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"Sometimes on the way to a dream you get lost and find a better one"

- unknown

Nina's POV

It's been about three weeks and my life has pretty much went back to normal.

My dad was able to find a nice apartment that was close to Hailey's school. I haven't heard from my mom since that day. Luca and Angelo recently took me out for our third date. I was currently at the store getting some things I needed around the house.

Thanksgiving was coming up in a few days. Luca doesn't know yet, but Angelo told me that his mom was coming over their house... and she wanted to meet me.

I should feel like we're moving too fast, but I don't for some reason. We're not even officially together... would she like me?

Someone then bumped into me, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Oh my goodness, I didn't see you there" A woman spoke out before picking up the box that dropped from my hand, giving it back to me.

I looked at the woman and saw how beautiful she was. Her blond hair was pulled up in a ponytail and she had curves in the right areas. She looked as if she was a model.

She then smiled at me but it looked more like a mischief smirk, "Say, is your name Nina?" She then asked.

"Yes... do I know you?" I replied back. I'm sure I'd remember someone like her.

A small laugh came from her before she shook her head, "No, but I know you. I've been meaning to check out Luca and Angelo's new plaything" She muttered out while eyeing me with distaste.


"Oh, don't tell me that you actually thought they were serious about you? Trust me, I've been down that road before" She soon added. Was she one of their exes? If so, how did she know about me?

"I'm not a plaything. I don't even know you-" I began.

"That's right! How rude of me. My name is Eleanor and I'm their ex wife" She introduced, soon sticking out her hand.

"Ex wife?" I repeated, watching as she nodded her head. She then dropped her hand back to her side when she saw that I wasn't going for it. Out of my four years of working with Luca, I've never heard about them having a ex wife... or a wife at all.

"I know you may not believe me but here" She spoke out before showing me pictures of the three together at what looked to be a restaurant. She then showed me one of them at the beach. I felt my heart begin to sink as I looked at the pictures.

"I'm only here to warn you. They seem nice in the beginning... but they only want one thing and that's your body. As soon as they're tired of you, you're gone. That's what they did to me and the others. All the dates and nights talking together are just for show" She told me before leaving the aisle, leaving me to recall what she just said.

I'm sure she's just one of those jealous exes who doesn't want to see them with anyone else. Luca and Angelo aren't like that.

They wouldn't use me for my body... right?

My phone then began to ring as I dropped the box in the cart, looking to see that it was Luca calling. My finger hovered over the accept button, but I couldn't bring myself to click it.

'They only want one thing and that's your body. As soon as they're tired of you, you're gone'

I then slipped the phone back into my purse before finishing up my shopping.

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