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"let it hurt until it can't hurt anymore."

- Liam Ryan

Hello everyone, just a heads up that this will be the last chapter before the epilogue. I may do a bonus chapter, I'm not sure yet.

Nina's POV

Mature Content

The ride back home was silent, much to my dismay.

It was clear that Angelo was upset with me for not telling him about Diamanté and I.

I would catch quick glances at him but he made little to no effort to even acknowledge me.

It wasn't long before we made it home and were heading towards the door, "Angelo wait" I spoke out as he walked into the house, about to head upstairs.

He stopped him movements but still wasn't facing me, "I know you're upset that I didn't tell you I'd be meeting with Diamanté. But he's not that bad-" I began before he turned around, taking a few steps towards me.

I found myself taking a step back, "You don't know the kind of man he is Nina. He doesn't want anything more than to keep you close, for his own sake" He stated.

My back then made contact with the wall as he brought up one of his hands, forcing me to look up at him.

I could see many feelings swarming in his eyes. Anger, fear, love, and maybe even a hint of lust.

"That's not true" I whispered out, feeling the heat radiate from his chest, the two of us pressed up against one another. He chuckled, though I know he didn't find the current situation to be funny.

He was pissed.

Was it wrong that I found it hot whenever he's mad at me?

"You just met the man Nina. I've known him for years, I know how he operates" He replied, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine.

"I need you to stay away from him, understood? He asked.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his question, which seemed to only piss him off even more. "No, I don't fucking understand Angelo-" I began before the hand he had holding onto my chin was now around my throat.

"You better watch that tone Nina because I am not happy with you right now" He stated.

I then ran a hand over his chest, enjoying the feeling of his body. "Here's the thing Angelo, the three of us are in this relationship together. As much as I love you, my answer won't change... the two of you can't decide everything for me" I spoke out before slowly removing the hand he had around my throat.

I smiled before placing a kiss on his jawline, seeing that he was not pleased with my response. The tension in the air was thick.

Without thinking, I grabbed ahold of his waistband before unbuckling his pants.

"Nina..." He began.

"Let me make it up to you. I want to take the lead this time" I explained softly, his jaw clenched.

He seemed to be debating on whether he should listen to me, but it wasn't long before he agreed.

"Alright" He replied before the two of us headed upstairs to his room.

He soon slipped off his shirt before stepping out of his pants as I pulled them down, followed behind his boxers.

My eyes landed on his dick that was already dripping with pre-cum, a vein throbbing with need. I felt myself getting wet just from looking at him, many images popping into my head. Fuck...

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