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"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."

- Dolly Parton

Nina's POV

Ever since that day, Angelo and I haven't seen or heard from Eleanor.

I honestly couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing... she seemed like the type to not quit until she got what she wanted. He told me not to worry about it... but that's all I could think about.

Angelo said he needed to get some things and practically begged me to tag along. Luca was currently in New Jersey to discuss some things with Luciano.

I know it's for business... but a small part of me wished they would've just did a online meeting or something.

I'm definitely getting too attached.

I was then brought out of my thoughts when Angelo poked my side. "What you thinking about over there pretty girl?" He teased.

"I miss Luca" I told him.

He then hummed in response before grabbing ahold of my hand, intertwining our fingers. "So I guess I'm not enough for you?" He then asked.

I couldn't help but look at him as if he was crazy, "Angelo... are you jealous?" I asked him.

"Me jealous? As if... it's just that you two have been getting really close lately, and I thought it would be fun for us to hang out today" He pouted as we walked into the store.

I could help but laugh, "That sounds like jealousy to me" I muttered out, him wrapping a arm around me.

"I love being around you too Angelo, you know that" I reassured him as we went over to grab a cart.

We spent about thirty minutes in the store, looking around and chatting. I ended up getting a few things for myself. We were currently on our way to the checkout area and Angelo suddenly stopped.

"Damn... I need to grab something for this dish I wanna make your dad" He said before reaching in his pocket, handing me his card.

"Ring your stuff up with mine if I'm not back in time" He added as I took the card, giving me a look that told me not to argue.

I then sighed before nodding my head, watching as he smiled before rushing off to the food section. I went to the shortest line and stood behind the lady in front of me. It only took about five minutes before I pushed the cart over to the cashier. Just as I looked up I couldn't help but freeze.

Why now?

"Hey how are you- Nina... is that really you?" He asked in shocked as he looked at me. I wish this store had a self-checkout section.

I offered him a small smile in return, "Hey Bryson" I replied back, sighing in relief as he finally began to ring up the items. I didn't miss the small glances he would throw my way.

"How's life been treating you? It's been a long time since we last spoke" He then asked.

"Life is great" Was all I said, focusing on the beeping noise as he scanned.

Bryson was my ex... my first.

After what he did when we were in high school, I broke up with him. I last heard he went off to the military and I never wanted to see him again, and yet here he is right in front of me. Just looking at him had me feeling a small pain in my chest.

My Boss & His Brother |18+|Where stories live. Discover now