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"I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now."

— Edna Mode

Nina's POV

"I'm so full I can barely stand" I groaned as I placed a hand on my stomach.

"You shouldn't have piled so much food on your plate" Angelo said with a smile on his face, Luca chuckling.

"I couldn't help it... I haven't ate all day and it just looked so good" I stated, watching as the two shook their heads at me before standing.

"I feel like I'm about to have a baby" I groaned, rubbing my stomach. Both Angelo and Luca were giving me weird looks.

"You know we could change that-" Angelo began before Luca smacked the back of his head.

"Ouch! I was only joking... or was I?" I couldn't stop the laugh that came from me, Luca rolling his eyes.

Angelo and Luca decided they were gonna hang out at my place for today. With Angelo being in love with cooking, he ended up making us meatloaf with some veggies from the fridge. I didn't think I'd like it since I've never been a fan of meatloaf, but it was really good.

I wasn't that surprised since everything Angelo makes is delicious.

"You know, I can't help but wonder why you decided on owning a club instead of becoming a chef" I said as I helped clean the table.

"That's not the first time I've heard that. I love cooking but it's something I like to do based on my terms. I don't see myself becoming a professional cook, and I like what I do" He shrugged, Luca then wrapped his arms around me. I felt as my heart began to race when he began placing small kisses on my neck, one of his hands going underneath my shirt.

It wasn't long before a loud groan came from Angelo, "How about you help clean up around here?" Angelo asked before the sound of the doorbell was heard.

I smiled as the two began to bicker, handing the cloth to Luca. "I'll get it, it's probably Willow" I said before heading towards the door.

"Hey-" I began as I opened the door, my voice faltering as I saw that it was not Willow.

You've got to be kidding me.

In front of me stood Bryson who had a small smile on his face. The fucking audacity... how does he even know where I live?

"What the hell Bryson? Are you stalking me?" I asked him before stepping back when I noticed how close he was getting.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you Nina... I miss you and I wanted to talk" He explained. I couldn't stop myself from making a disgusted face at his response.

"That doesn't give you the right to just show up to my house out of nowhere. How do you even know my address?" I asked and before I knew it he walked past me, inviting himself into my house.

I had to calm myself down. Otherwise, he would be dead right now. It's like he's asking to die!

"That's not important right now. Could you just listen to what I have to say?" He replied back before I stood in front of him again.

"Is someone else here? Who's car is that outside?" He then asked me.

"Not that it's any of your business, yes someone is here. Now leave" I shot back.

"We still need to talk" Is he for real right now?

"Bryson, that was years ago and I already told you. You and I are done, please leave" I firmly stated before I saw him looking at something behind me, turning around to see Luca leaning against the doorframe.

My Boss & His Brother |18+|Where stories live. Discover now