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"You don't have to be the sun for people who don't appreciate your light."

- Kavya Dixit

Nina's POV

Much to Luca's dismay, Luciano had a driver take us to the spot where we'd be having dinner together.

I didn't understand why Luca was so worried about me being near Luciano. He thinks that he might have some sort of feelings towards me but I can tell that he's just being kind.

He already knew about what Luca, Angelo, and I had going on.

With his looks, I'm sure Luciano already has his mind set on someone else. He's probably just teasing Luca.

"We're here" The driver stated.

Luca was the first to get out the vehicle and made it to my side before I could open the door, helping me out.

"I really like this dress on you, it looks like I made the right choice" He whispered out against my ear as we walked towards the entrance, his arm wrapped around my waist.

I smiled at his words before looking to see if I spotted Luciano. The waiter greeted us and after I told him who we were here to meet with, he led us to the back area of the restaurant.

"This place looks really expensive" I muttered out as we walked past a few tables, Luca chuckling at my words. My eyes soon landed on Luciano and a man sitting next to him.

It wasn't long before he noticed us and got up with a bright smile on his face, "Nina! I'm glad that you could make it, I hope the trip went well. Hello to you as well Luca" He greeted before grabbing ahold of my hand, placing a light kiss on the back.

I felt as Luca's hand tightened around my waist, and I couldn't sworn I seen Luciano smirk as he stood back up.

He's definitely provoking Luca on purpose.

"It's good to see you again Luciano. I was sleep most of the trip so it wasn't too bad" I laughed before taking a seat on the other side of the table, Luca sitting next to me.

A small chuckle came from Luciano before he went back to his seat. It wasn't long before the waiter came back to the table and got our drinks, giving us time to look at the menu.

I could feel as my mouth began to water just from looking at the list of food they served.

"This is my assistant, Bradley" Luciano soon introduced to us. He smiled and I did the same in return. I don't know why I expected his assistant to be a woman.

I felt as Luca placed a hand on my thigh but made sure not to make it too obvious. He was being oddly quiet ever since we sat down.

"How's Ms. Carla been? I haven't seen her since I was in school" He then asked Luca, him not looking up.

His eyes softened at the mention of Carla, "She's doing well" He replied, Luciano nodded his head with a smile on his face.

We then began to chat and Luciano told me about the different places I should visit before we officially start to work on the project. Luca would add his input occasionally, which I was glad he was starting to talk more.

It wasn't long before our food came and we all began to eat. Just like Luciano said, the food here was really good. I couldn't help but smile as Luca asked the waiter to have another one of my orders ready for when we're about to leave.

"It's the least I can do since I'm not that good in the kitchen" He spoke out lowly so that only I was able to hear him.

After dinner, we said our farewells and headed outside to see Luciano had a car waiting for us.

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