Chapter 30 - --- Delicious Kind of Sore

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After the scene with Folu. Beth came and helped me out of the hall. I felt like I had disappointed everyone.

I knew nothing of how the event was called to a close. I only got the message that I'd sold fifty-five percent of my artworks. That was pretty impressive, more so for a first time exhibition.

And after the show the pieces had been sent out to the buyers.

My parents had called a number of times while I refused to talk to anyone. I was too ashamed explain myself.

I confined myself away in my room drowning myself in alcohol. Even Beth could not reach me. I've been this way a whole day. Shutting the whole world out.

I rose swiftly from my bed. I wasn't going to let myself sulken for ever. I sobbered up. It was time to take action into my hands.

I strutted to my locker I took out a hoodie and pulled it over my head, pairing it with a pair of jeans. I dashed out of my room.

"You came out." Beth said as she saw me step into the living room. "Where are you go..."

I was out of the door before she could finish asking the question. I opened my cab app and booked a ride. In three minutes the cab was parked in front of me.

Seems luck is on my side. I guess I'm doing this.

I hopped into the car, the driver turned the key into ignition and we were on our way. Traffic wouldn't just let this city shine.

Hours later we were parked in front of my destination. I made payment and hopped out of the car.

I strode towards the building and straight to the flat I soughted. I rang the door bell. There wasn't an answer so I rang the bell once again.

I was too impatient to wait too long. Shortly, the door opened.

"Hi" I said nervously.

"What are you doing here?" Kiitan asked in a low gloomy tone.

"I'm sorry Kiitan." I blurted out.

"What are you apologizing for?" He asked.

"I know you said you going ghost on me was a detox. You've probably been hurt before. I've also been hurt and I promise you, I wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt you. There's just been a lot of misinterpretations." I rambled.

"You're could have told me you were seeing someone. But you didn't." He stated.

"I wasn't seeing him, Kiitan. I'm not." I said defensively.

"It didn't look like it. He definitely doesn't know boundaries." He pointed out.

"Kiitan... You are... I..." For some reason I couldn't find my words.

What am I doing here?

I slowly turned around to take my leave. There was no point trying.

He reached out, his hand closed on my wrist. "Don't go." I pleaded softly.

He looked at me for a moment. There was a vulnerability in his hazel eyes. I'd seen it before. It was a view that always left me defenseless around him.

How could he strip away my reasoning just by holding my gaze.

The pulse at the base of his throat jumped as I focused my eyes on his lips.

My skin pricked. I felt instantly hot. Was it the hoodie I had on? I guess not cause I was simultaneously feeling itchy, and needy.

He pulled me into his body unanticipatedly. Our bodies pressed against each other, as his hands held me firmly. His hands were wide, they felt so softly rough and tenderly tough against my back.

"I think about you all the fucking time." He whispered. His eyes grew hungry.

As if in a trance, I instinctively placed my hand on his chest.

Suddenly his hands banded on my hips, his fingers pressing intimately and possessively as we backed up into his apartment.

I intuitively shut the door behind us as we got in and messily made our way to the living area still tangled.

He sprawled on the couch, pulling me to him and settling me on his lap.

I straddled him as I began to hump him. Kiitan gasp as our bodies made contact. His hands slipped beneath my goodie, his fingers stroking the skin on my lower back. I shivered at the delicious rough texture of his hands.

Butterflies whirled in my stomach.

"I can't stop thinking about you either." I murmured in his ear.

His hand left my back, gliding up my arms gently securing both sides of my neck. He leaned forward until his lips were almost touching the side of my mouth.

"Kiss me." He ordered.

I let out a sharp breath I didn't know I was holding.

I felt his body poised for my rejection or my surrender. I closed my eyes intuitively as I took his bottom lip between mine.

I heard him growl like he'd been starved and had just been served a feast on a platter. Then he took over.

Kiitan's tongue traced the seam of my lips, seeking entrance. I opened up to him and let him slid inside, shocking me with the arousal that bloomed inside of me.

He tasted of salad and a hint of chicken he was having before I interrupted.

One of his hands moved to the back of my head, securing me in place as his mouth slanted against mine. Wanting and demanding more.

He moaned, deepening the kiss. I pressed my hands on his back, pulling him closer, rubbing my body against his.

I placed my hands under his shirt and glided up his chest till the shirt was over and out of his head. His skin was burning hot.

One of his hands settled on the heel of my foot, sliding up my calf, swirling at the back of my knee, up my thigh then cupping my butt.

Suddenly his hips surged up. His hands reached for the zipper of my jeans.

My eyes flew open. "Stop" I said softly, breathing hard.

I wasn't convinced myself if that was really what I wanted.

He stopped, his hands still holding on to me. "Why?" He asked tenderly.

Kiitan's mouth was wet and rosy. His hazel eyes smoky with desires. "Are you sure you want me to stop?"

My lips throbbed and sore. But it was the delicious kind of sore. "No I don't want you to stop." I said. My voice quivering.

I could still feel the imprint of his lips on mine, still taste him on my tongue, still hear the sounds he made. The sexy moans and growls he made at the back of his throat.

Kiitan picked me up by my thighs as he rose from the couch and headed for his room.

He laid me delicately on his neatly laid bed. I watched as he took off the rest of his clothes till he was standing in a brief.

He crawled back in bed, placing a light kiss on my lips as he proceeded to take take off my hoodie. He pulled back, taking in my form as I sat there on his bed in my bralette and my skinny jeans.

His hands reached for the zipper of my jeans. Unfastened the zipper before gently pulling my jeans down my hips.

He momentarily walked to the light switch. He switched it off so that inside was now dark and silent.

Slashes of light penetrated through the window and unto the floor of the room. Illuminating the room slightly.

Kiitan then strutted back to me on the bed. Undid the rest of my clothing till I was completely naked on his bed. With his hands spreading my thighs so he was positioned at the center of my core.

He crushed his lips against mine hungrily. My hands roamed his eagerly. He took one of my hand leading it down his body till it was cupping his erection.

Soon, the sound of thrusts, moans and heaving breaths were as music to our ears.

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