Chapter 13-- The Bank

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The sun wasn't so scorching, the best part about doing anything early in the morning. Especially when you're taking a long walk, or a stroll under it. The sun was still friendly at the time, I could walk down to wherever I was going without having to squint my way through seeing the roads. And if I had to use sunglasses, it'd just be to complement my look.

My brother's wedding has finally been fixed. That really made me so excited. I had called my mom and she had told me about it.

I was headed for the bank, I decided to go early, because the Bank would be a lot crowded after the early hours of the day. And also to avoid the sun burning my skin. I needed to make a cash deposits in to my mother's account as well as the groom to be.

I was torn between giving the total sum of money to my parents or splitting it between my brother, Lade and my parents.

It was in a bid to support the preparation course. I mean, it's the least I could do, and what was expected of me as an elder sister. It's a cultural thing, that was much expected, appreciated and highly practiced.

Especially when ceremonies such as a wedding was on the way like this one, family and friends would send in their bits, come around for sleepovers, help with chores and run errands, any means to support the host. I must say it has to be one of the Yoruba culture I was really proud of.

I envisioned how packed our family house would have gotten. The ceremony was just around the corner. In few weeks Lade and Ebun would be pronounced husband and wife.

The hair on my skin prickled up just at the thought of that.

I had a total sum of one hundred thousand naira, a part of the total I made from the I made for Mr Crawford a while back. I was going to send Fifty Thousand naira to both parties. I initially had plans to send more, but we got a mail from our landlord few days back, that our house rent was soon to be due. So I had to restrategize.

"Excuse me ma'am. Ma'am?"

I gleamed and stared at a pecan brown skinned man, wearing a wine buttoned up shirt, sitting at the other end of the counter. He had a square jaw line covered with a freshly shaved beards.

"...You're up next." He concluded. When he smiled, the dimples on both his cheeks popped out.

I was entrapped all over again. He definitely got me with them dimples. I was a sucker for dimples. I smiled back at him.

"Oh! Hi, sorry, I was lost in thought." My voice was light and airy.

"I figured." His voice was a bass.

It was no surprise that his voice reminded me of someone else's.

"So sorry about that." I handed him the deposit slip I had been holding on to.

Why in the world am I apologizing so much?!

"It's absolutey fine." He said with a civilize smile.

He proceeded to input somethings into the computer in front of him.

After ten minutes of clicks and click. I was running impatient.

"I didn't catch your name." I asked courteously.

"Its Alvin. Alvin Idibia." He said as he pointed to reveal the name tag on his shirt.

"Do I have to wait long?" I asked.

"Not for so long." He pointed out.

I smiled. "Thank you."

"Since you are making a large deposit, I'll need you to sign at the back here." He stretched his pen and the slip back to me.

"Yeah sure." I took the pen, and signed where it was requested, then returned them to him.

"I'll just be a minute" He said as he rose from his seat and his way down the corridor towards a printing machine.

"Errrm... Excuse me?... Am I to wait still?" I asked.

"Yeas please. I'm making you a copy." He replied.

He returned with a copy of the transaction, handing it over to me. "You're all done."

I took it "Thank you." I smiled. I turned to take my leave.

"Have a nice day." He called out after me.

I turned to look at him. "You too."

Gosh! What was all that about?

The next minute I was out of the bank and on my way home. The sun wasn't out yet either. So I walked back. My place wasn't that far. It was a walking distance. Still I wished I had a car to convey me around.

God When?!

It's been a while since I last heard from Folu. So much for wanting to make amends. I had left him copious messages on different occasions. There hadn't been a response from him. I fished my phone out of my pocket yet again. I bit on my down lip as I scrolled to our last conversation, the messages I'd left him; and read through.

Just then did I get a notification from Mr Crawford. I I clicked on it to reveal its content.

Who in there right senses operated their phones on the road. No one but Tejumade. In my defense I drew my face from the phone at intervals to check if I was still on track.

Adekiitan Crawford: Hi Tejumade. I texted you ask how your schedules are this week. Will tomorrow be a good time to fix our date? I'll be expecting your response.

My thumbs played over the keys as I typed in a response.

Me: Hi Kiitan. I so schools are back in sessions
and I happen to have classes till noon.
But I will be free after my classes. We can make that work. That's if you don't mind.

He didn't hesitate in texting back. It was like he was  sitting right across from me. That was how swift his response was.

Adekiitan Crawford: Fantastic! That is absolutely fine by me. So I'll pick you up at noon tomorrow then?

Me: Sure. That's settled. I'll send you the
address. See you tomorrow.

My thoughts momentarily drifted back to Folu not responding to my texts.

If he was going to say one thing and then turn around and do the complete opposite then that was his problem and not mine.

It was absolutely up to him to man up and get his acts together. He might be young but he definitely wasn't a child.

Why do I keep indulging him anyway?

I tucked my phone back into my pocket as I drew close to my apartment.

A/N: what do you think about the bank setting? If you have any additional ideas on how better it could have gone please Let me know in the comments section. Remember you can also follow my profile, to get notified whenever I upload new chapters. Don't forget to vote and share your thoughts in the comments.

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