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"We're home!" Akiteru announced.

"Welcome home! I'm preparing dinner!" Came a woman's voice from further in the house.

Y/n could only blink a few times. What was she even doing here?

"Hmm... dinner won't be ready for a few more hours. Kei! Keep her occupied while I help mom cook."

Y/n turned to the boy behind her, whom she almost forgot was there.

"Hah. No way." The four-eyes responded, taking off his shoes. "I've got homework to do."

"Even better! You two go work on it together."

"Huh?" Tsukishima and y/n said in sync.

"Get to it!" Akiteru replied enthusiastically. "Dinner will prepared soon enough."

And so, y/n found herself stuck alone with someone she's talked to once. In his own room.

There goes her plans of moping. She wasn't expecting to end up here.

Tsukishima placed a hand on his forehead and sighed a little too heavily. "You're free to go, you know. Just forget my brother's pestering and we can pretend this never happened."

"What? Are you trying to kick me out?"

"No? I mean, it's just written all over your face that you had other plans." The blonde replied. 

Yes, y/n had just mentioned that she didn't really want to be here, but who allowed this guy to bear the same thoughts as her? Her pride wasn't going to be tainted this easily.

She cleared her throat and crossed her arms. "I don't. I'll be staying since your brother begged me to do so."

"Fine. Just don't bother me unless it's important. I have to work on something."

"Sure thing, jerk face. Would you like me to fetch you a glass of water too?" Y/n thought.

"Sure." Was what she actually said.

Tsukishima sat at his desk, pulled out his work, and slipped on his headphones.

Y/n could only roll her eyes at the lack of hospitality. She took a seat on the floor, resting her back against his bed. Taking a good look around the room, it had only just come to her attention—

The spine-chilling amount of dinosaurs this guy had in his room. She let out a snort.

Tsukishima's chair squeaked as he turned to her. "What so funny?"

"Are you pretending to listen to music or something because there's no way you heard that." Y/n replied.

The blonde's eyes widened only slightly and he cleared his throat. "I forgot to press play."

What an obvious lie.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "What's with the dinosaurs?"

"None of your business." And that was all he said before spinning his chair back to the desk.

Y/n stared at his silhouette from behind, hoping that he could feel her presence and acknowledge that she was bored out of her mind.

Three minutes later, she gave up because that boy was way too focused on his work.

Y/n hugged her knees and threw her head back on the mattress. She closed her eyes and wondered if this was how Tsukishima smelled. It wasn't anything special, just laundry detergent.

Some time had passed before she ended up falling asleep to thoughts of Oikawa.

"Want to watch a movie?"

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