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Y/n was being haunted.

...Haunted by her scary, locked-away, and hidden desires.

That day, when Tsukishima fell on top of her, their breaths mingling and faces inches apart... plagued her mind relentlessly these days. Her dad would try to make conversation with her during breakfast but she wasn't even eating in the first place, too lost in thought. School too, as if she didn't spend enough time daydreaming already, now it was even worse. But most of all, all she could do was stare into her ceiling at night and count sheep because closing her eyes only provided an image of the blondie falling on her. And she wouldn't go further than that, for her scary and despicable imagination should not mix with the events that occurred that day.

But aside from that,

Tsukishima flicking her forehead, ruffling the top of her hair, his laugh, his smile, the way he sucked at hiding his embarrassment thanks to the obvious flush of his ears and cheeks, his secret love of strawberry shortcake and dinosaurs-- she wanted to keep all of it to herself. Of course, going to his house was always something to look forward to. But as her crush deepened, it started to become more about getting to spend extra time with Tsukishima over anything else.

That day when she had come over to his house early in the morning, and he had just woken up with wild bedhead and no glasses.

Laying in his bed while he did homework and the smell of his laundry detergent-- of him was so comforting.

Him rubbing her back or forehead soothingly.

Being in his embrace.

Y/n shook her head aggressively at an attempt to get out of her head.

"You okay?" She heard a voice in front of her and looked up to see Akiteru taking a seat across from her at the dining table, a cup of coffee in hand.

"Uh... yeah."

"How's it going? With... y'know?"

Her eyes widened. "We shouldn't talk about it here!" She whisper-shouted.

He let out a hefty chuckle. "You're right. Can I at least ask if you're doing okay now?"

She nodded shyly and fought to make sure her mind didn't stray to the four eyes' caressing the side of her face. "Better..."

Akiteru smiled. "I can tell. I'm glad." He suddenly looked up. "Ah. Speak of the devil." he mumbled under his breath, but y/n heard.

She turned around and saw Tsukishima appearing from the hallway, presumably done with his homework. He noticed the other two at the table staring at him and furrowed his brows. "What are you looking at?"

Y/n whipped her head back around, feeling her cheeks warming up all because she hadn't seen him for, what? An hour or two? She was fucked. She was already aware of this though.

"Nothing, Kei." Akiteru gave a closed-eye smile.

Tsukishima rolled his eyes and walked to the refrigerator, pulling out a half-eaten strawberry shortcake and placed it on the table, taking a seat next to y/n. The group of three sat in silence, as the four eyes silently ate his cake, y/n beside him stared at the steam emitting off of Akiteru's piping hot coffee, and the eldest casted glances between the two. The silence held out until Akiteru "hmphed" in an amused manner and the other two looked up at him.

"Not sharing, Kei?" He asked playfully.

Tsukishima rolled his eyes. "You didn't ask." He placed the fork on the plate and pushed it towards the center of the table, leaning his cheek into a hand, unamused.

Y/n cast a glance at the boy beside her, then the cake, then Akiteru— who was smiling at her.

"Ladies first."

Y/n was too hyperaware of Tsukishima's actions and every little thing he did and to share a fork that already been into his mouth over ten times-- she feared it would be too much for her weak and pathetic heart. She cast a suspicious glance at Akiteru, wondering if he was plotting something. The look on his face pretty much confirmed it, even though she could only see his smiling eyes as he took a long sip of coffee. Y/n's hesitance was probably way too obvious— when she heard a voice from beside her.

"This is the only clean silverware— because someone," He cast his brother an annoyed glance. "...didn't do the dishes, even though it was his turn." He looked back at y/n and sighed. "Here. I'll go rinse it." He tried plucking the fork out of her hand but it didn't budge.

Y/n shook her head. "It's okay. You don't have to." And before he could reply, she tried breaking though her nerves and quickly swiped a piece of shortcake in her mouth, attempting to think about literally anything other than the Tsukishima's lips sliding off of the fork. However, that image only replayed in her mind once the fork popped out of her mouth. She nearly choked on the cake.

The four eyes immediately brought a hand to her back and smacked it a few times, making sure she didn't actually choke.

Akiteru broke out in laughter and through the tears welling up in y/n's eyes from coughing, she looked up at him. The boy beside her also spared a look with an irritated expression. "Sorry, sorry." His laughter died down. "What? Don't look so angry, Kei. I wasn't laughing at your girlfriend."

Both Tsukishima and y/n's eyes widened and they glanced at each other, the girl's face reddening when she saw the four eyes' face enveloped in red as well. He removed the hand on her back and balled a fist in front of his mouth, clearing his throat. "Shut the hell up." He muttered.

Y/n couldn't even look Tsukishima in the eye, keeping her eyes trained on the slightly trembling hands on her lap. Her lips were pursed at a super lousy attempt to bite back a smile. She knew Akiteru was only joking, but the comment made her feel giddy almost beyond control.

"All right. I was just joking." Akiteru giggled and took another sip of coffee.

"Just eat the damn cake, since you asked."

"Hm... I'm not feeling so hungry anymore. The sudden tension in the room made me lose my appetite." He stood up. "I'll be in my room if you need me!" Akiteru walked away, followed by a door shutting closed a few seconds later.

"Tsk. That asshat." Tsukishima mumbled. He looked back to the girl, who looked almost uncomfortable: head facing her lap and she looked distraught. His brother was only joking, but he couldn't lie and say his feelings weren't a little hurt by y/n's reaction. "Just... ignore what he said. It doesn't mean anything."

Y/n's mind stopped racing once he finished his sentence.

It doesn't mean anything.

Her five seconds of happiness were already shattered upon hearing those words leave Tsukishima's mouth. The hands on her lap balled into fists. "Yeah." She tried to subdue her crushing feelings but it was hard to keep the mixture of sadness and anger she felt at bay.

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