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Two months had passed since Akiteru had mentioned anything about the status of Y/n and Tsukishima's relationship. He never asked about it again, and she never told Tsukishima about what his brother had said that night.

It was just a joke, she thought. That memory would be forgotten sooner or later, since it was nothing important she needed to dwell on.

Y/n would hang out with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi more often at school, the green-haired boy inviting her welcomingly. Eventually, the four eyes and y/n started walking home together since they lived around the same area. Sometimes, Tsukishima would let her know that his mom invited her to come over. Y/n would gladly take her up on that offer since her dad wasn't home til late most days. It was a routine that she grew closely accustomed to, without even realizing. It was also something she found solace in because surrounding herself with people helped in taking her mind off Oikawa even more.

Today, Yamaguchi was walking in the same direction as y/n and Tsukishima.

"Hm?" Y/n, walking between the four eyes and his freckled friend, turned to Yamaguchi. "You're coming over today?"

"You mean Tsukki's?" He questioned curiously. "I am! You are too?"

Y/n's eyes widened when she remembered Yamaguchi didn't necessarily know about this whole arrangement of her going over to Tsukishima's house nearly everyday.


There was a point in time where she just stopped asking altogether and would end up walking into his house. Was Tsukishima even okay with this? Was his family okay with this? She was probably intruding too much. Now that she thought about it, this was embarrasi-


Y/n snapped out of her thoughts and looked over to the blondie, who had called out her name."What are you thinking so hard about? You coming or not?"

Y/n blinked at him and quickly came up with a lie before she could get lost in thought again, "It's okay, my dad's coming home early for once. He'll probably want me to be home today."

Tsukishima looked at her hesitantly, only for a moment before nodding his head.

"Aww, maybe we can all hang out some other time then." Yamaguchi spoke up.

Tsukishima's eyes never left y/n's, and she started to grow nervous at his look, worried that he might see through her lie. She quickly whipped her head to Yamaguchi again. "Yeah, next time!" She gave him a smile. "I'll leave you guys then." She moved to step off the sidewalk, but stopped in place when the four eyes took hold of her wrist.

"Where are you going? We haven't even reached my house yet. You know yours is further past mine."

Y/n sighed but kept her back towards the two boys. He was right. Her house was in the direction they were walking, so why did she try to say bye and leave? Her stupid impulses. She needed to come up with another lie before she embarrassed herself. Quick.

"I'm going to the grocery store." Was all she could come up with. A weak lie if anything. They had passed the grocery store already. All y/n could hope for was that Tsukishima would let go of her wrist and stop interrogating.

A moment of silence passed and the blondie finally spoke. "Okay." He squeezed her wrist weakly before letting go. "See you."

Y/n nodded and hummed in agreement, before walking the other direction to the "grocery store."


As she slowly started to creep away from Yamaguchi's sight, he turned back to his taller friend. "Was she supposed to come over today?"

Tsukishima closed his eyes and scratched his head with a finger. "I guess not."

Y/n had walked passed the grocery store a while ago. She just trudged on, lost in her thoughts. The embarrassment was crashing down on her after realizing she was showing up to Tsukishimas' house uninvited. She pictured Ms. Tsukishima's warm and friendly smile whenever she greeted her, walking into the kitchen next to the blonde. She was probably forcing that smile, too nice to kick y/n out.

Yeah. It was probably forced just like Akiteru patting her on the back and ruffling her hair with a toothy smile whenever they were had a conversation.

Just like Tsukishima forcing himself to bring her into his own room. Or inviting her to sit with him and Yamaguchi during lunch at school.

Giving her his lunch.

Letting her fall asleep on his shoulder.

Showing up to her house that day when she encountered Oikawa.

Yeah. It was all forced, wasn't it? Y/n closed her eyes and began to recall that day the four eyes had rang her doorbell.

Tsukishima put a hand on his chin. "Or maybe you were crying?"

"That's none of your business." Y/n had said.

"It is though."


He rolled his eyes. "I came here to check up on you."

"No. Your brother asked you to."

"I could've said no."

"Were you worried about me?"


"Is there something wrong with that?" He had said firmly.

Y/n's heart pounded once, and she clutched her school bag. She shook her head in an attempt to stop getting lost in thought.

"From now on, It'd be better if he invites me first before I try and show up unannounced again." She couldn't control the small frown that grew on her face. "Maybe he won't."

Y/n exhaled and turned back around, going towards the actual direction of her house again. The sun was just starting to set but she didn't pay any mind to the fact that she had been walking around for quite a while. She could only think about that unpleasant feeling of being alone again. This was all her fault for being selfish.

The next day, y/n was seated with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi at lunch, as per usual. Y/n was happy and indulged in the moment, chattering about this and that with them while trying her best to ignore the creeping feeling of not being invited to Tsukishima's home later. As Yamaguchi chattered away, y/n sneaked a glance at the four eyes, who had his eyes trained on his bento box as took bites from his lunch.

Later on their walk after school, Yamaguchi waved goodbye to the two before taking off in the direction of his home.

During their walk, not many words had been said. They don't talk much during their walks in the first place, but y/n couldn't help but feel conscious about it at this very moment. In the back her mind, she was waiting for that question.

However, they were slowly approaching his house and Tsukishima hasn't said a word about inviting her. Y/n's chest ached and her throat began to feel dry. She didn't understand why this felt so devastating.

They now stood in front of his house and y/n gave a small wave with a weak smile. "Bye." She turned around and walked forward slowly.

"...See you tomorrow." He replied.

As y/n took a couple more steps forward, she could hear the blondie go into his home, shutting the door behind him.

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