twenty three

191 10 0

"Boys, it's time to go! Hurry up and get in the car!" Ms. Tsukishima yelled from the front door.

"Okay! Just one sec!" Akiteru replied, then turned to his younger brother, who was slowly putting the last of his items in his bag. "Kei."

"What." Tsukishima kept his back turned away.

"Is Yamaguchi coming?"

"No, he's out of town visiting family."

"Okay... well," Akiteru continued, cautiously. "What about y/n?" He couldn't see his face, but he could just imagine the younger brother rolling his eyes.

Tsukishima stopped moving. "She said she couldn't make it."



Akiteru cleared his throat. "I mean... it's a good thing you asked."

"You're right. Now I know she doesn't want anything to do with me. Thanks for the advice."

Akiteru frowned at the snarky reply, realizing that this was spiraling out of control. What should he do? He promised y/n that he wouldn't tell her secret. "Listen... it's not what you think."

"What?" Tsukishima turned around, finally meeting eyes with his brother.

Oops. Did he say too much? "I- I mean... you don't really think she hates you or anything, right?"

Tsukishima averted his gaze. "I don't know. I guess we do get along, but obviously the thought of dating me disgusted her." He let out an unhumorous laugh.

Akiteru blinked a few times. "Kei."

"What." He looked back to his brother.

"...That makes you upset?"

"Who wouldn't feel upset over something like that?"

"I mean... if I were you in your shoes, I don't think I'd be as upset as you are now. If my friend didn't like the idea of me dating her, hell, I'd probably think the same and be glad we were in the same boat." Akiteru cleared his throat, then continued. "But, I could see where you're coming from if this so called friend was someone I liked."

Tsukishima's eyes widened and for a couple of seconds, he could only focus on the beating of his heart.

"Boys! What are you doing, it's time to go! Come on, let's go!" Ms. Tsukishima shouted from the front door.


"Go." Tsukishima suddenly said.


"I'm coming. Just go in the car already." The four eyes ushered his brother out of the room, and shut the door. He leaned his forehead on it, letting out a heavy sigh.


Tsukishima was aware of his feelings, yes. But having his brother spell it out for him was not the most pleasant experience. Of course he was upset over her making such a face at the slightest mention of them dating. And to make things worse, he asked her to come along to their beach trip when he should've already expected her to say no with her avoiding him this whole time.

 He walked over to his backpack and zipped it closed then walked to the car and sat in the back seat, with Akiteru in the driver's seat and his mother in the passenger's. The car whirred as his brother started it up and Tsukishima put the headphones around his neck on his ears. He mindlessly watched the window and his surroundings moving past him quickly for a long time, until his eyes were beginning to feel heavy.


Tsukishima's head bobbled in his sleepy state.

"Kei. We're here."

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