One Shot: Sleeping My Day Away (rp)

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A/N: Was feeling self indulgent and was for some reason hit with the random inspiration to write this little thing ;)

She awoke to soft, golden rays of sunlight filtering through the thin curtains drawn in the hotel room. She clung to the warmth and comfort of sleep, even as it flew out of her grasp. However, she did not stay disappointed for long, the feeling of a strong, warm body spooning her from behind reminding her that she did not have to wake up alone. She shifted into a more comfortable position, and the arm pulled flush into her side tightened around her waist. She smiled. Even while sleeping, he was clingy.

Turning on her side to face him, she was greeted with the beautiful sight of his angelic face pulled into a look of contentment. His soft, level breathing was all that could be heard as she admired the light flowing over his golden curls, the rays caught perfectly in the strands and layers splayed across his face. She could not resist reaching up and pushing a lock off his forehead, planting a gentle kiss on it. He let out a comfortable sigh and smiled in his no-doubt thinning sleep.

Putting an arm of her own around him and reaching up to play softly with his hair, she surveyed the room, eyes landing on the clock. They had already slept far through breakfast.

She used both her hands to massage his scalp, combing through his untamed locks with her fingers.

"Rise and shine, golden boy." She whispered softly into his ear.

He let out a groan and slung another arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his body, "Do we have to?" he whined breathily, burying his head into the crook of her neck.

"Yes babe. We've already slept through breakfast."

"Ten more minutes?"





"Fine, seven more minutes." She caved, knowing full well it wouldn't be only seven more minutes before they got up.

"I love you," He mumbled, as if that was that.

"What, because I let you sleep in?" She asked teasingly, leaving a trail of kisses up the exposed side of his neck.

"No, you know what I mean!" He groaned, tightening his hold on her waist as if to prove a point. A few strands of his golden hair flew I her face, overwhelming her with the sweet scent of his shampoo, as if begging to be felt and ran through.

"Okay, yes, I know what you mean. I love you too. Now make sure those seven minutes count." She laughed, giving in and playing with his hair soothingly.

"Yes ma'am," he said, already only half awake.

She smiled. She wished that she could wake up like this every morning, in his warm embrace, legs entwined and hearts content. Her parting thought as she drifted back to sleep was that she never wanted to let this feeling slip away.

Question: In the realm of rock music, who do you think has the best hair?
(It's a no brainer for me- Robert :)

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