(sfw) a-z: Chris Cornell

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okokkkkk here we go-

Chris Cornell a-z (sfw!)

(Mostly gn reader, but reader is referred to as "girl" once on letter 'R')

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

Chris is not big on PDA. The most he'll probably do is a kiss around friends. However, that doesn't mean that he's not affectionate. Quite the opposite, actually. When you're in private he's the sweetest person, always pressing a kiss to your cheek, shoulder or lips when he passes you, and never passing up hugs. He always smells good, and you love burying your face into his shoulder with his arms wrapped securely around you, his curls fanning out around your neck and shoulders if he has long hair. Speaking of, he loves it when you play with his hair, whether that be with his head in your lap and you running your hands over the scratchiness of his shorter hair, or you braiding his long strands together in elaborate patterns you just learned.

And makeout sessions with him can get heated at home. It almost always starts with more innocent, fleeting kisses, but the other party'd pull them back in, and it would end up with one of your backs against the nearest surface, you tugging on his hair as his lips fold roughly over yours.

That is, if you're willing. He doesn't ever want to push you.

B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) As a best friend, he'd be pretty chill. I'd say he'd be the type of friend where if you don't initiate something you may not see each other for a while, but any time you are together conversation always flows perfectly and it's never awkward. He cares a lot, maybe more than he does about himself, so you guys are great at validating and paying attention to each other.

C = Comfort (How do they comfort you?) He knows from personal experience that often times people need space. He lets you have your own time especially to cool down, but if he sees you crying he can break and rush to your side. He's not soul-baring or overly gentle a lot, but if that's what you need he'll try to give it to you. Especially if your unhappiness is caused by him. He's a bit stubborn and will also need his own time to slow down and contemplate, cool down from the heated emotions, but eventually he'll come to you if you don't come to him.

His ultimate, most important goal is to respect your boundaries, so he clarifies first that you're comfortable, and then wraps you up in the warmest hug, and apologies are wordlessly exchanged. Of course, you'll work through it later, but for now it's enough to know he's there and will always be there for you.

D = Date (how was your first date? What are dates with him like?)

You guys don't really go on formal dates that often. Your first date was just going around Seattle, browsing through record stores and looking at small shops full of strange nicknacks. Most of the time it's enough to be in the others' presence. Your "dates" usually consist of him coming over, the two of you settling on the couch, and putting on a movie you rented. Occasionally he'd recommend something outside of your comfort zone, and you'd share your interests with each other, engaging in idle conversation while eating takeout and half-watching.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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