One Shot- Snowed In (Jpj)

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This one shot was inspired by prompts from tumblr, from blogs like Scealaiscoite, Prpmptsh20 etc

She was at John's house, in his bedroom after he had invited her over. Both their parents were on a trips out, so your sister came along too. They had already been there a while, talking and laughing softly with John, who was one of y/n's closest friends.

"Hey!" Her sister came bounding up the stairs, bursting into John's room, "Your guys' piano is really cool, play something!"

John looked at y/n, who shrugged, before he chuckled and agreed, humoring her as the three of them walked to their piano, situated under a window.

John sat down, and began to play something that sounded vaguely familiar. She watched as his fingers glided effortless over the keys. She saw how he seemed to slide into the feeling of the music, and tried to suppress something inside her.

She was torn out of her thoughts when her sister clapped abruptly and pushed him out of the way, playing some random keys and mimicking John's expressions. John chuckled good-naturedly, before attempting to instruct her on how to play something. "No, no, not there, it's an octave down!"

"What's an octave???"

John sighed in exaggerated exasperation.

She couldn't stop from laughing herself, watching them. However, her laughing abruptly stopped as she looked out the window.

"Shit, it's snowing!"

"What!?" Her sister said excitedly.

"No, y/s/n, it's not the type of snow to be excited about... look, it's really coming down out there," John frowned.

"The porch is already covered," She pointed out.

"If you go out there, you'll surely catch something." John mused.

"So... we're stranded here for the night??"

John smirked slightly, "C'mon y/n, darling, don't act like that's such a bad thing."

She rolled her eyes. "But the couch is only large enough for one-"

"I call dibs on the couch!" Her sister immediately said, cutting y/n off. Y/n groaned, running a hand over her face.

"Fine, I guess I'll take the floor."

"Wait, wait," John cut in, "who ever said anything about the floor? You can share with me."

Her face reddened, "No, I couldn't make you-"

"You're not making me, I'm offering," he smiled.

"Ah, uhm- okay then, if you're sure," she said quietly, with a little flustered smile.

Her sister groaned, "You guys are so gross!" Y/n's eyes widened while John just laughed.


John looked at the time, "Wow, is it really that late already?" As if on cue, her sister yawned. "I guess we should be getting to bed then."

Y/n nodded, slowly following John upstairs as her sister set up her temporary bed.

After brushing and getting ready, y/n joined him on the bed, gingerly laying down next to him. He turned his head to look at her, murmuring with a reassuring smile, "I hope I haven't made you uncomfortable."

"No, o-of course not," she responded, flushing under his gaze.

"Well then, have a nice sleep, darling." He flipped over, back facing her, keeping a friendly distance.

"You too," she muttered softly, too overwhelmed to manage anything else, before also turning and settling down, hoping that sleep would come to her quickly, and trying to ignore her warm cheeks and the steady rise and fall of his back.


Somehow, she woke up wrapped in his arms. They had started far apart, definitely platonic. But... this?

She was laying on her side, facing him. It took a moment before she realized that she had probably been admiring his angelic face for too long, instinctively drawn in by the locks of soft hair around his face, the shape of his cheekbones, and everything else that made him him.

With difficulty, she tore her gaze away, instead craning her head so she was looking at the ceiling.

And she whispered, strained, "Fuck, what have you done to me??"

"What was that, darling?" John whispered, corners of his mouth twitching upwards and eyes still firmly shut.

With a start, she rolled back to her original position, facing him. "Oh, uhm, nothing."

His eyes opened slightly. "If you're sure." He smiled slightly, before continuing, "Why'd you roll away? It's cold out, cm'ere darling, everyone knows body heat is the best way to warm up," he reasoned before pulling her back into a tight embrace, and she let out a breath as she felt his arms around her, heart beating rapidly. She hoped he couldn't feel it.

"Sorry, I'm probably suffocating you." She said, flustered.

"No, I don't mind. And if I do happen to suffocate, know I died happy." He smirked lopsidedly at his implication, watching as she avoided his gaze at that.

His eyes were now completely opened, and watching her intently. And after a moment of quiet, "I don't know what I'd do without you, pretty little thing," he adopted a more serious tone, brushing a rebellious strand of her hair out of her face and behind her ear. His eyes rested on her face as if entranced, but not with her eyes.

"Why're you staring? Do... I have something on my face?"

John let out a breathy chuckle, "My, you truly are oblivious, aren't you darling?" He murmured, more to himself than to her.

At his words, her face turned red and she moved closer. Their faces were nearly touching, and she could feel the lines in his body against her own.

"Do friends normally do this?" She breathed, heart thumping harder than ever.

He chuckled at her question, a hand tracing her jawline, "I don't know, do you think so?"

After a long period of silence charged with tension, infinitesimally, she shook her head.

"So what does that make us to each other?" Anticipation was clear in his voice.


He cut her off with a stare full of intensity and unsaid words. "May I kiss you?" He whispered against her cheekbone.

Instead of responding, she met him halfway.

The kiss was soft, tender, perfectly suiting the quiet morning they were having together. His lips folded over hers as she slid her cold hands up the inside of his shirt, searching for the warmth of his body against hers. She felt the way his hair tickled her chin, and couldn't hold back from smiling widely into the kiss.

Soon they had to break apart for air, eyes perfectly trained on each other.

All she said was, "Woah."

He was smiling widely now, wider than she was used to. "Wanna do that again?"

He didn't wait for her response before pulling her back in.

Question: Fav member of Led Zepp?
(Robert girlie, no question.)

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