Cuddling- Frontmen

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Axl Rose-

Axl usually isn't that big on cuddling. It's not like he hates it and he can occasionally enjoy it, but he wouldn't, say, purposefully ask you for cuddles. If you had a stressful day and wanted to he would agree, but he'd never approach you with the idea. Plus, knowing him, if he was approaching you there would be a good chance that he was truthfully looking for something more... heated, if you know what I mean ;)

That being said, there is one specific situation where I could see this happening, and that's after sex.

You'd be splayed out in his arms after cleaning up, clinging onto him, eyes heavy and body sore from the exertion. He'd sit there holding you, probably having a smoke, absentmindedly rubbing circles on your thigh and whispering praises about how well you did in your ear as you drifted off to sleep. He'd hold you, admiring your features, until he fell asleep or until he stubbed out his cigarette. 

If you fell asleep together, you'd probably wake up tangled together, your face buried into his chest and his hair in your eyes.

Kurt Cobain- 

Now, Kurt is a completely different story.

Usually he acts aloof and quiet, not really caring for displays of affection, but when you're alone he completely changes, becoming incredibly sweet and caring. He'd be 100% down to cuddle, and would even approach you on it, especially when he was struggling with his mental health.

Cuddling would be a two-way thing, the two of you comforting each-other. You'd run your hands through his chin length hair and whisper words of affirmation while he'd hold you close, planting sweet kisses on your chin, forehead, or really just anywhere he'd be able to reach.

When he was having a bad day the two of you would just simply set aside some time to settle on the couch and cuddle, feeling safe and warm in each-other's arms.

Robert Plant- 

You could say Robert is a middle ground between the two of them. He genuinely enjoys cuddling with all of his heart, but sometimes he won't approach you because he feels he has a cool guy reputation to uphold. However, when he's drunk, he can get especially clingy, and will not hesitate to pull you into his lap and pepper kisses along your neck, burying his face in your shoulder. He's also just generally really sweet, and will never, and I repeat never, refuse when you want to cuddle. If you felt like it, he'd be willing to dedicate an entire day to lazing around on the couch, spending quality time together.

You'd be fascinated with the way the sunlight made his curly mane look like pure, dazzling gold, and he'd tease you about the way you were staring. Overall it would just be extremely wholesome and casual days like that would make up most of your best memories together.

A/N: Apologize for how short it is, but more parts (e.g. guitarists) are coming up :)

Question: What's your fav subgenre of rock/metal?
(I'm not very well-versed with the different subgenres, but I like hard rock a lot??)

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