Cuddling- guitarists

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Cuddling (guitarists)

Ahhhh All Apologies for getting sidetracked and starting a new idea that I know I'll never finish... :)

Anyways enjoy!


He loves cuddling. He will let you and anyone else who happens to be around know it. End of story.

Even if you had been doing something, he'd pull you down, either next to him or onto his lap. It wouldn't matter since soon the two of you would be tangled in each other's arms, his curly hair falling all over your face and obscuring your eyes from the lights. His head would fall to rest on yours, and he'd waste no time in securing you in his arms, holding onto you tightly. You wouldn't be able to get away even if you wanted to (and, come on, it's Saul freaking Hudson, who would turn him down?).

Soon enough he'd be asleep, fingers laced between yours and drooling slightly, his hair completely covering his face. If you were tired you'd admire him through lidded eyes and soon fall asleep yourself, and if not you'd quietly work your way out of the strong arms wrapped around you, brush his hair to the side for a second so you could plant a soft kiss on his head, before going back to whatever you had been occupied with previously.

Izzy Stradlin:

Izzy had a reputation for being mysterious, quiet, and averse to physical touch. However, that's simply how he's seen from the outside.

Similar to Kurt, Izzy is a softie for the people he cares about on the inside. Unlike Kurt, however, he won't approach you. He feels like he has to maintain his reputation and would feel humiliated if he had to approach you for cuddles. Thankfully for the both of you, you learned to read his cues pretty early on and can always tell when he's had a bad day and is in need of some TLC.

You'd ask him to cuddle, and he'd act like he was only obliging for your sake (especially in front of other people), but secretly both of you would know that more than half of the time you were doing it on his behalf, for which he'd send you smiles that seemed tiny, but you'd know were full of adoration.

One you'd settled on the couch or the bed, he'd either go into a similar position to Slash, with you leaning against him and his arms around you, or vise versa, with him leaning his head against your shoulder.

He'd softly hum some distantly remembered lullaby, eyes slowly closing while subconsciously leaning into you. You'd run your fingers through his dark hair, before also settling in to him and drifting asleep.

Brian May:

Brian is definitely game for some cuddles. He won't approach you since it's honestly not something that he often consciously thinks about or considers, but if you ask him about it there is no way he'll refuse.

His favorite days would be warm and sunny. The two of you would have a hazy lunch full of smiles and warmth, before heading to the bedroom for a nice afternoon nap.

The two of you would cozy up together, with or without a blanket, likely only drawing the curtains slightly so that plenty of light could still get through. It didn't matter what position you were in. As long as the two of you were firmly and decidedly in the other's arms, you were content, with the only sounds being your soft breathing, and the only feelings Brian's warm body agains you and his hair tickling at your neck.

Question: Play any instruments?
(I play guitar)

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