One Shot: Drunk Talking (Izzy)

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"That was an awesome show, guys!" She exclaimed, rushing forward to congratulate the band as they came offstage. 

Axl grinned, pulling her into a side hug after she high-fived Steven and sent a smile Izzy's way. "Thanks sis. Wanna come to the bar with us?"

"Sure!" She responded excitedly.

"Great, meet us there in half an hour."


The group entered the bar. In the short 30-minute time span, Axl had already gotten a girl, who was hanging off his arm, and just about a dozen groupies had already thrown themselves at Slash. She found it both slightly amusing and a little uncomfortable.

She was standing next to Izzy, staying close to his side until they started ordering drinks. Once they were done with that everyone started splitting up to mingle. 

"Iz, bet I can drink more shots in a minute than you can," She challenged.

Izzy threw her a small yet confident smirk. "Really? You clearly don't know what's coming for you."

In the end, it was close, but Izzy won by a single shot. Suddenly feeling the alcohol hit her, she hung onto Izzy's arm, laughing uncontrollably as he smiled slightly down at her, amused.

She straightened up, leaning against him so they were pressed together side to side, her head against his shoulder so her mouth was positioned right next to his ear.

 She felt a cool hand creeping up her exposed thigh.

Her chuckling suddenly stopped, replaced with a short gasp that she knew he caught.

"What is it, babe?" He murmured, a hint of cockiness on his voice.

And suddenly he was gone, her feeling the loss of warmth in a sudden wave. She looked around the room, only to find him pulled away by some groupie. Unable to resist, she watched as he whispered something in the girl's ear, causing her to burst out in giggles as his eyes were trained on the girl he was just pulled away from with a casual smirk. She watched as the girl pulled him closer, forcing him to look at her as the girl caught him in a kiss. 

She could tell Izzy was slightly surprised but that didn't condone the use of tongue that neither of them tried to hide.

Heavily annoyed, she turned around, spotting someone else who happened to be watching her. She decided why not and walked up to him with a smirk, kissing him on the lips with no warning, making sure she was in Izzy's line of sight. The man was clearly shocked, but she knew he had been watching her for quite a while so she wasn't afraid of rejection. As the kiss got heated the two started grinding against each other, moving with the rhythm of the song playing in the background.

Just as she was pulling away for air, she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She turned around to see Duff holding a beer.

"Hey, just wanted to let you know that Izzy left 'cause he said he wasn't feelin' it. Also, don't hook up with some douchebag or Axl will kill us all." He said jokingly before disappearing into the crowd of people.

"Huh, bastard seemed like he was 'feelin it' to me just a second ago" She grumbled to herself, ignoring the second comment and turning around to resume what she had started with the man that was still gripping onto her waist.


She stumbled along the sidewalk, giggling incoherently at something she thought of as she tried her best not to faceplant. She ran her hand across the wall, not minding the dirt and grime, randomly fascinated with the patterns and grooves.
Soon she came to the tour bus, unlocking the back door noisily and stepping in. Once she was in she shut the door behind her and leaned on it, catching her breath, when she noticed a certain rhythm guitarist leaning back casually against the seat.

"Izzyyyy!" She exclaimed, dragging out the 'y'. "I knew you'd be here!" She plopped down clumsily onto the seat next to him, throwing her head back and closing her eyes.

"Hey," he responded, voice monotone. "Why you back so early?"

"I was gunna get laid 'cause there was this really nice guy, but his girlfriend or fuckbuddy or something came and stole him away from me" She explained with a small pout. "The other guys were all busy with someone and I didn't wanna black out at some random bar and you left since you weren't 'feelin it' which is bullshit by the way so I just came back here 'cause I know there'll be somebody to take care of me" Her words were slurring as she absentmindedly pressed closer against him, leaning her head on his shoulder.

She was always touchy when she was drunk, especially towards him and her brother. Izzy normally wasn't one for physical contact, let alone intimacy. He had a reputation as the mysterious one to uphold. But it was her, and she would be too drunk to remember it later in the morning anyways, so he decided what the hell.

"Take care of you huh? What makes you think I'm gonna take care of you?"

"Because you like me?" She gazed up at his face innocently.

"What makes you think I like you?"

She groaned, burying her face into the crook of his neck and turning so she was facing towards him. "You're mean."

"Sure." He adjusted his position, slinging an arm around her shoulder as she snuggled in closer to him.

"Wanna know why you're mean?" She asked, voice partially muffled by his unzipped jacket. He stayed silent, signaling for her to continue.

"Well, first of all, you tease me with your hands and your words, like tonight at the bar, and then go get with some other random groupie, and I have to watch you suck each other's faces when I know you know I wish it was me and I know you're doing it on purpose even though you'd never admit it."

Izzy sucked in a breath. He didn't know why he was affected by this but he did know that he should stop her before she shared or did anything that the both of them would regret. "Babe-"

"See? You call me babe and expect it not to mean something to me and you make me feel all warm and tingly down here and lead me on 'til I think you're gonna start something and I feel all excited until you say I can't kiss you because I'm Axl's sister or something, even though it's not like he owns me, he's just my older brother," She continued, cutting him off as she rubbed her thighs together.

"And I always wanna know you better and hug you like I wanna but you never let me 'cause I'm 'off limits' or something. I know it was like that back then when we were teens and he was protective of me but I'm a grown ass woman now and I can make my own decisions for fuck's sake. If I like you I should be allowed to want something to happen." She pouted as she pulled her legs up, flinging them into Izzy's lap.

Not knowing what to say and feeling too hot for his own sake, he tried to divert the conversation. "y/n, you're way too drunk."

"No I'm noooooot, you hypocrite" Thank god her attention span was short when she was drunk.

"Yes you are."

"I'm not!"

"You are."

"I'm not, and you're mean, Iz," she wrapped an arm around his torso, settling in.

Looks like she wasn't planning on moving anytime soon.

Izzy sighed with a tiny smile. "Just sleep"

"mmhm..." She hummed in response, eyes already lidded, sliding shut.

They'd talk about this later.

A/N: Haven't been active in a while (exams coming up) but I randomly thought of this one time and just had to write it.

Hope to see you in the next chapter :)

Question: What's your fav GNR song?
(Oh right fuck I have to answer uhhm... honestly I love Perfect Crime, but also Paradise City. There are so manyy)

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