One shot- Happy New Year's (Slash)

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She sat on one of the barstools, propping up her chin with her hands as she surveyed her surroundings for the hundredth time that night. Everything here was hot and demanding, bodies circling around each other and the smell of alcohol on everyone's breath, liquid spilled over counters and clothes alike. But who could blame them? It was a once-a-year occasion. It was new year's eve.

She saw Axl through her peripheral vision, seemingly engaging in a drink-off of sorts against a skinny guy who was probably a lightweight. She knew Axl was going to win. After all, he'd done much worse, and she had been there to witness much of it.

A little ways away, Duff was feeling up some chick who was scantily dressed, to say the least. She saw him whisper in the blonde's ear, and saw his hand creep up her thigh. Rolling her eyes slightly, y/n averted her eyes with a small huff. She wasn't exactly interested in what was happening between them.

A few minutes ago Steven had tripped up the stairs, no doubt running to the bathroom from the way he was clutching his stomach and holding his breath. Knowing him, now he was probably passed out in there.

Even Izzy was sitting in a dark corner with some girl on his arm. A guy next to him handed him something, probably a joint or something along those lines. Izzy took it and used it, closing his eyes and laying his head against the wall as smoke rose and twirled itself around him.

It seemed the only one not having the time of their lives was y/n. The guys of Guns had invited her to this New Year's party and she had excitedly accepted, honored with the thought that they liked her enough to bring her along with them. However, by the time they got there, she had deduced that she was probably there to be sober enough to get everyone home, and wanted to hit herself in the head for agreeing to come. That's where she was now, sipping slightly forlornly on a simple beer and constantly keeping track of the guys to make sure none of them killed themselves.

But one guy was missing from her mental tally. Amidst all the hot breath, smoke and gyrating bodies, it was hard for her to make out much of anyone anymore, and Slash wasn't where she had last seen him. She frowned to herself, eyebrows creasing as she did once-over after once-over to try to locate him. But to no avail.

That is, until the man himself shouldered and stumbled his way through the crowd and over to where y/n was sitting.

"Slash?" She inquired when she noticed his out-of-it smile, "Hey, earth to Slash, are you still here?"

"Ah, y/n! Our favorite girl!"

"Your favorite girl, huh," she muttered under her breath, amused. "Anyway, where have you even been? I couldn't see you through the crowd."

"Oh, just around, you know," He answered, taking his hand off its place leaning on the counter to wave it vaguely. He stumbled and she promptly stood up to right him.

"Slash, you're drunk out of your mind."

Slash tutted as well as he could while trying his best not to fall over, "And you're way too sober, darling! C'mon, it's fuckin new years!"

"Should've thought of that before dragging me along to be your little babysitter," She said, mouth downturning slightly.

"Babysitter?" Slash repeated, frowning slightly, "We never-"

"TEN MINUTES 'TILL MIDNIGHT!" someone yelled. The place seemed to grow even louder, if possible, as the frenzy increased.

Slash's eyes brightened comically. "Ten minutes till the new year! C'mon, y/n, you gotta enjoy this." Before y/n had a chance to respond, he grabbed her hand. Her heart skipped a beat. He continued, "Hey! Do you have a new year's kiss yet? Can I help you get a new year's kiss!?"

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