One Shot- Axl Rose (Part 2)

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The previous part was updated, so if you've read it before please check it again to see the new background :) thanks

"You're doing it again"

He was there for her, especially when, soon, Axl decided he wanted in again.

Even with Izzy's advice, she just couldn't tear her eyes away from him, and the way his soft ginger hair drifted over his eyes as he breathed a column of smoke into the air. She continued, guiltily, to admire him from afar in a way that she hoped was inconspicuous. That ended up being a bad decision when he lowered his head and caught her eye, his face breaking into a cocky smile. Just before she could tear her eyes away, he shot her a wink. A wink.

All she could do was hurriedly turn her head to try to face Izzy, but in her flustered mindset she turned the wrong way and had to turn back the other direction, and had to try her best to refrain from burying her head into Izzy's shoulder in sheer embarrassment at herself. She could tell Izzy was trying not to chuckle while also looking slightly confused.

"Don't look," he whispered, "But he's talking to Slash about you, I'm pretty sure."

She looked.

Axl was standing straight from his position against a tree, dusting himself off slightly, before walking over towards them.

"Iz, i-is he??"

"He's coming over here." Izzy confirmed, brows furrowed.

"But why?"

"I guess we'll find out."

Izzy didn't move from his sitting position, so she just decided to stay seated as well, Axl towering over them when he arrived.

"Hey, man." Izzy greeted skeptically. "What's up?"

Axl smiled, and this time it seemed more genuine.

"Well, it's kinda hard for me to say this but... We used to be friends, and it wasn't really cool of me to just ditch you guys in middle school. I've realized that recently, and I would like to... apologize?" Axl said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"O-okay," Izzy still didn't look fully convinced.

"Look, guys, I honestly feel really bad," Axl rushed on "and i understand if it takes some time but... Iz, wanna hang out at the skate park sometime?"

Izzy, under all his layers of calm, actually seemed happy at the proposal, "Yeah, Ax, sure."

She watched from behind, trying her hardest not to feel left out.

Axl looked over to her, "And, y/n," he quickly regained his usual confidence "Hey, i was wonderin', wanna go out sometime?"

Her brain short-circuited. Not simply at the suggestion, although that itself made her face glow red, as they used to hang out alone a lot. No, it was also because of the wording "go out". 

All she could manage was, "Y-you mean-" Attempting to clarify and snuff out the tiny hope that had grown inside her.

Instead, he answered with a widening smirk, "Yes, I mean as a date."

"Sure." She said, praying that she didn't seem to affected.

"Great! I'll bring you somewhere Friday?"

She simply nodded, unable to get any more out of herself, and Axl walked back with a grin.

She turned to face Izzy, who was watching her with a lopsided smile, "You tell me how it goes when it happens, alright? I don't know what his actual intentions are. He seems genuine enough, but I don't want you to get hurt, 'kay?"

shy nodded again, already feeling a giddy grin appear on her face, "Will do!"

Izzy chuckled softly, resting a hand on her shoulder, before going back to his work.

Sooo hi

Sorry for not updating for a while, I was hit with some serious writer's block. This one's pretty short, but currently I'm also working on editing a crackfic me and my friends wrote a long time ago 😅

If you have any ideas at all, Please let me know, it would seriously help with the writer's block  :) Otherwise my updates could be very slow, sorry :(

Question: Opinions on Velvet Revolver?
(I like them. A lot because I really love Slash's playing style. The vocals aren't really my thing but definitely aren't bad)

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