One Shot: Aneurysm (kc)

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"Hey, Kurt!" She shouted as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Hey-" He was cut off from his admittedly meager attempt at slipping in a few words, but it was the norm and he didn't have a problem with it.

"So I'm really fucking bored right now, I've listened to all my records at least a million times and I've rewatched all the movies I own, plus I'm way too broke to get anything new to occupy me. And then I was thinking about whether or not any of my friends would be free that like the same things with me that I could hang with, and I remembered, 'Oh, Kurt would have no fucking clue what to do other than get high either, and he's my friend right?' so basically what I'm saying is, can I hang at your place with you and Dave?"

Kurt let out a raspy chuckle, and she found herself smiling. She knew he wouldn't mind her rambling, especially when it took the pressure of making conversation off him. Even so, there were occasions when she went on a long spur without even realizing it.

"Sure, of course you can. C'mon over."

"Great! I'll be there in ten!" She nearly squealed excitedly, hurrying to hang up so she could get there sooner. Her never-ending energy was the complete opposite of him, but they somehow found a way to be as close as they were. It may have seemed strange on the outside, but it was perfectly normal to them. They completed each other with practiced ease.

She could not wait to be there.


She keeps it pumping, straight to my heart

She slammed on the brakes, screeching to a stop right in front of his and Dave's house. With her signature grin, she rapped three times on the front door, and it was opened almost immediately by Kurt, looking as casually disheveled as always. He smiled lopsidedly, inviting her to come in with a sweep of his arm.

She keeps it pumping, straight to my heart

As she practically ran in, she tugged on Kurt's arm, holding onto it with her iron grip, pulling him along with her as she raced towards his beat-up guitar. Picking it up, she flung the strap over her shoulder, randomly trying to play a chord. It ended up sounding like a screeching, out of tune raccoon, causing Kurt to snicker.

She keeps it pumping, straight to my heart

His snicker caused a chain reaction, because she was one of those people who laughed when others did. It started with a snort, then a chuckle, until both of them were doubled over and in hysterics. The sight of Kurt full-on laughing egged her on, it, being a rare sight.

She keeps it pumping, straight to my heart

They saw Dave peek his head around the corner to see what all the commotion was about, rolling his eyes when he realized it was only her. She stretched her fingers across the fretboard, trying to reach them as far away as possible, strumming loudly while hunching over and imitating the facial expression of one of those so-called "rockstars".

She keeps it pumping, straight to my heart

Seeing this, Dave could not help but walk further into the room, joining the chorus of laughter.

She keeps it pumping, straight to my heart

If you had looked in, all you would see would be three friends having the time of their lives.

She keeps it pumping, straight to my heart-

A/N: Also randomly wrote this because I was bored :) I think it turned out a little rushed, but tell me what you think, feedback is really important to me for improvement

Question: What's your fav Nirvana Album?
(In terms of the one with the best singles, Nevermind, but including everything else, like how cohesive it is and its "vibe", I would always say In Utero, so my overall answer would be In Utero)

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