One Shot: You Could Be Mine

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Cheating, drug abuse

She woke up alone. The pangs of disappointment were still there, but more reserved. This was not the first time and she knew it wouldn't be the last.

Through the dull pangs of her hangover, she wondered where it truly was he always went. She hoped in vain it was where he said it was, and if it wasn't... She didn't want to think about it anymore.

Hazily, she remembered she was supposed to get groceries. But her head protested. Besides, they had leftovers from the party. They could surely hold out another day or two... right?

Whatever, she told herself. Why doesn't he ever do these things anyways?

She needed something to dull the pain, both in her head and in her heart. Her feet carried her to the drawer. The one that was the bane of her existence, but she could not survive without. The one that always pulled her back in for more.

Once she prepped and the ugly side of her won her internal debate, she sat on the floor with her head leaning against the bed, waiting. She didn't have to wait long.


She had come down, having a makeshift lunch of booze and leftover pizza. Now the sun was setting. Evening was upon her.

As she sat on the edge of the double bed, back to the door, she refused to acknowledge it.

Don't do it to yourself
He's not home.

It all came crashing down on her, a wave of sorrow and despair eating her whole and clawing at her heart. Her band was failing. He was the only one providing for them and she would inevitably have to get a 9-to-5 job, especially with the state of their relationship.

He was cheating on her. Inside, they both knew she knew he was cheating on her. She was a junkie and they both had drug and alcohol problems. Even if he was faithful their addictions made them prone to fights and lashing out at the smallest of arguments. But they loved one another. At least, she loved him. With all of her being, so much so that it consumed her, obsessed her, so much so that it hurt. It hurt when she knew he was cheating on her. That he might not love her the way she loved him.

She didn't even notice the tears running down her cheeks. Didn't notice the sobs wracking her frail body.

Amidst the pain swirling in her, she heard the bedroom door open.

He was home.

Her shoulders suddenly stiffened and she cursed herself for the burst of happiness coursing through her. He wasn't coming home for her, she told herself. He was coming home for a bed to sleep in.

The thought resurrected the tears, flowing freely down her then-drying tear-tracks. He lay on the bed, next to her yet keeping so much distance between them that the emotional canyon separating them was painfully obvious.

Even as she focused on choking in her pitiful sobs, she could not stop her shoulders from shaking. She felt a tantalizingly familiar outstretched hand ghost over her shoulder, but it was pulled back immediately as if thinking better of what they were doing. It was so light she wondered if she had imagined it.

She heard the rustling of the bedsheets and felt him turn over, back facing her like she had been facing him. She stood up to clean herself up and get ready for bed, but she knew this was not healthy. She felt the end creeping up on her even as she fought the truth with all her might.

Once again, in vain.


He woke up early in the morning. She was still asleep. The happy haze of sleep quickly receded.

Somehow, in their sleep, they had turned to face each other. She was tangled against him, clinging onto him and burying her face into his chest. He had slung an arm around her waist.

It broke his heart.

He stood up. Her sleeping frame protested and tried to hold on, but inevitably had to let go as he moved too far away. She shivered and wrapped her arms instinctively around herself. He felt the tears pricking at his eyes.

Blinking, he urged himself to keep his composure. It didn't work.

After dressing, he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. His eyes blurred with tears even as he left to see another.

Question: Who's your favorite member of GNR?
(Where's Izzy???)

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