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"True Love is finding your soulmate in your Best Friend"

[Ian and Olivia have been best friends as long as they could remember and only had each other growing up across the street from one another.]

Olivia did not have the best life growing up due to the following reasons :

1. Her Parents divorced when she was 8 ;

2. Her father moved in with his mom on the west side of Chicago ;

3. Her Sister left home at the age of 18 to start a new life elsewhere ;

4. She was stuck at home with her mom and Step-dad Arthur who was an abusive asshole who would physically/sexually abuse Olivia every chance he got.

[Olivia is now 16 years old and thankfully there have been recent changes to her life]

1. Her dad and Mom share 50/50 custody of her so on the week that she is not with her mom she can get away from her step-dad and be with her dad and grandma ;

2. Her sister is now back in Chicago with her boyfriend Scott who live next door to Veronica and Kev and is welcome anytime when she needs an escape ; and

3. works at Record Store and earning her own money


[everyone is outside partying while a fire is ongoing while frank's voice is heard]

Frank: Nobody's saying our neighborhood is the Garden of Eden. Hell, some people say God avoids this place altogether, but it's been a good home to us... to me and my kids, who I'm proud of, 'cause every single one of them reminds me a little bit of me. Fiona, my rock, huge help. [fiona is shown drinking a beer] Has all the best qualities of her mother, except she's not a raging psycho bitch. Lip, smart as a whip. [lip is then shown drinking something from a bag] Straight "A"s and the honor roll. Boy's definitely going somewhere. Ian, industrious, conscientious, ambitious, incredible work ethic. [ian is shown lauging with olivia] Don't have a clue where he got that from. Wants to be a paratrooper. Knows how to disembowel an enemy with a roll of dimes and an old gym sock. Then there is his better half Olivia [olivia is then shown laughing beside ian while the two share a joint] or as he likes to call her livvy...but to me...she will always be that rebel without a cause [olivia is seen dying her hair rose gold and smiling in the mirror]. Carl. [carl is shown rough housing with ian, lip and olivia who are laughing] Uh, I don't really know that much about Carl. Oh, loves animals. Always dragging home some poor stray he found, taking them up to his room. Ah, Debbie. [debbie is shown sitting next to Fiona] Sent by God, total angel. Raises money for UNICEF year-round, some of which she actually turns in. Liam, going to be a star. [liam is then shown sitting next to debbie] I'm no biologist, but he looks a little bit like my first sponsor. He and the ex were close. Kev and Veronica, fantastic neighbors. [kev and veronica are shown cuddling] There's nothing they won't do for each other...Or to each other. I never realized how little sex I was having till V and Kev moved next door [a scene of kev and veronica are shown having sex] ...and then we have olivia's older sister sarah and her boy toy scott [sarah and scott are seeing laughing with olivia and ian] lets just say she is an adult version of our livvy but i think she may be a little cray cray...[a scene at the bar is shown where a man tries to steal from them and scott goes to tackle him and the man gets out of his grip and scott yells he is getting away until sarah comes out with a shotgun saying not on my watch and clocks the gun] And me, Frank Gallagher, father, teacher, mentor, captain of our little ship. We may not have much, but all of us, to a man, knows the most important thing in this life... we know how to fucking party!


[*olivia has rose gold hair]

[olivia comes out of her house and crosses the street meeting the gallaghers]

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