Killer Carl

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[sarah's house]

[olivia and sarah are at the table drinking some coffee]

olivia: [looking through history book] what's the point..of learning this stuff...i mean its not like we are going to use this in the future

sarah: maybe....but at least you won't be doomed to repeat it

[the two laugh and a knock at the door is heard]

olivia: you expecting someone

sarah: no..

[sarah then opens it and rod appears at the door]

sarah: oh my god...uncle rod

[the two then hug and olivia turns and sees rod and gives him a hug]

olivia: uncle rod...

rod: there she is livvy girl...

[he then lets go of her]

rod: have gotten so when are you staring college

olivia: very funny still in should come to the teacher parent night...

sarah: yeah..olivia is doing exceptionally well...especially in music

rod: taking after her father i see...well i would love to come..but first and my friend need to take care of some personal business but we will be there

[olivia then nods as he leaves]

olivia: do you think mom will show parents night

sarah: i wouldn't hold my breath kiddo...but me and scott will be there...

[olivia then nods as looks down sad as she hopes her mother will show up but sober]


[ian and olivia are at their spot at the docks eating some candy]

ian: is your mom going to parents night

olivia: wouldn't count on it...but sarah and scott will be there...

ian: well that's good right

olivia: i guess...

ian: what about your dad and grandma

olivia: they are away for the grandma has to her hip replaced...

ian: is she ok

olivia: yea...she will be according to my would just be nice if my mom could show up to one my events...sober...

ian: that's good about your grandma...and....i wish frank could do that too...he won't even show up for carl...

olivia: parents day sucks...

ian: agreed

[parents night]

[olivia is with scott and sarah who are talking to her music teacher while thomas is with his parents are few feet away and the two exchange glances]

sarah: so ..she is doing well then

teacher: olivia is a fine student...i would even recommend..that she take some summer could be good for a college application...i know...she is quite young...but colleges like to see extracurriclers...

scott: that's amazing...and i've heard her play...she is very talented

sarah: i can second what courses

voice: livvy girl!

[sarah, scott and olivia turn and see lindsey and arthur walk their way and can tell that both are clearly intoxicated]

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