Its time to kill the turtle

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[olivia's house]

[a knock is heard at the door and olivia and mandy answer it and she sees debbie]

olivia: oh hey debs....

mandy: hey little gallagher...

debbie: can i ask you guys something

[now in olivia's room]

[olivia is sitting on her bed with mew who is sleeping in her lap while mandy is sitting on a bean bag chair and debbie sits on the bed with olivia]

debbie: how do i know if a guy is cheating or keeping secrets

olivia: there someone your interested in...

debbie: not for me...but for fiona

mandy: is this the cute guy she met at the bar

debbie: yea..but something seems off about him...

olivia: does he hide his phone....

mandy: or makes up excuses to leave the house

debbie: some girl has been calling his phone...and there will be days where he just disappears...

[mandy and olivia then give a look to one another and back at debbie]

olivia: you could always follow him and do a stakeout...

mandy: if he is hiding something...then you will have proof

debbie: thanks...

[debbie then leaves as mandy and olivia chuckle]

[few days later]

[olivia is in her room drawing and ian walks in sitting on the bean bag chair]

olivia: hey.. 

[olivia then notices the smile on his face]

olivia: what's got you so smiley...oh don't tell it kash...or mickey

ian: mickey....

olivia: look at playa playa

ian: don't make fun...

[olivia then gets up]

olivia: want some coffee

ian: sure

[the two then go into the kitchen and grab two cups and she pulls out some cookies]

olivia: just baked them today...our fav....peanut butter..

[the two then  eat the cookies while drinking some coffee]

olivia: so..i gotta ask...who is better

ian: livvy....

olivia: what...i think its my sole right to know who my best choosing to get involved with...

ian: alright you got me how are things with thomas

olivia: there good....who knew that we would both get involved with people like mickey and thomas

ian: yea...but i'm really liking it

[the two then giggle]

[next day]

[olivia is outside strumming on her guitar outside and sees frank who looks different]

olivia: um...hey frank...

frank: top of the morning to you livvy....

olivia: did something happen to seem different

frank: i am alcohol free...livvy...

olivia: [chuckles] ok..i'm looking for the joke i being punked...

frank: joke...i'm more alcohol for me...i plan to be a great father and role my will see...have a great day....

[olivia then waves to frank slowly shaking her head and sees lip come over]

olivia: this...thing with he serious...

lip: no...he is only doing it for money

olivia: ah...there it had to be something...

lip: well...whatever he is doing ...its not fair to carl and debbie....

olivia: they actually think he will stay sober

lip: unfortunatly....yeah...i've been trying to tell them to not buy into this act..but..they really think he is going to change...

olivia: i'm sorry...

lip: what can you do right..

olivia: not much i guess...

[olivia then continues to strum as lip starts smoking a cigarette]

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