Father Frank, Full of Grace

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[police station]

[sarah, scott, olivia's grandma, olivia's dad ,debbie, and fiona are at the station]

sarah: i don't get it...why would they steal a car...that doesn't sound like ian and lip...especially liv...

fiona: i know...

[arthur and lindsey then barge in]

lindsey: where is she...

arthur: that girl is going to get the ass kicking of her life...making us come down to the station...stealing a car....

[olivia's dad then goes towards arthur]

charlie: you lay one finger on my daughter...i can assure you...it will be the last thing...you do...

[arthur then gets in charlie's face until scott intervenes]

scott: listen...we are all tired...and worried about the kids...so why don't we all take it down a notch...ok

[arthur then gives charlie a look and walks back to lindsey and tony walks over]

fiona: Tony! Did you see them?

tony: Still in back. 

sarah: When can we see them?

tony: If Lip's not charged as an adult, you can see them in court tomorrow.

fiona: Charged as an adult?

tony: He's 17, they may charge him with felony grand theft auto.

fiona: There's no way that Lip would steal a car. He's too smart. And Ian and livvy don't even drive.

tony: If they didn't steal it... 

sarah: They didn't steal it!

tony: If they didn't, then they have to tell the detectives who gave them the car and agree to testify. If they don't give up a name, Lip could do five years.

[over to lip, ian and olivia who are in holding cell]

ian: If I get convicted, I can't enlist.

olivia: What?

ian: In the Marines?

lip: Good. I was planning on kneecapping you in your sleep to keep you out of Kandahar anyway.

ian: I was hoping for Korengal.

olivia: Isn't that where, uh, Todd Iggulden's brother lost a foot?

ian: Got him the Silver Star. 

olivia: Yeah? And a handicapped placard to hang from the mirror of his mom's Civic.

BERNERO: [walking over] Phillip Gallagher. No relation to our favorite overnight guest Frank, I hope.

lip: Son. 

bernero: You're Frank's kid? And this is your first felony bust? Getting a little late start for a Gallagher, aren't you?

lip: Slow study, I guess.

bernero: And Ian and olivia. Another Frank and lindsey progeny?

olivia: 'Fraid so.

bernero: You always let your brother and bestie speak for you, Ian?

lip: He's mute.

ian: I can talk.

BERNERO: So, what... you three geniuses stole a Porsche Cayenne and, what, decided to go on a little late-night White Castle run? Come on, Ian....livvy...You do not want to do time. Not with that face.

lip: I stole the car. Ian and olivia didn't know anything about it.

[next day]

[ian, lip and olivia had been released from jail and are greeted by sara, scott, charlie, olivia's grandma and the rest of the gallaghers and give hugs to them all and they all pull them in a hug]

sarah: don't ever do that to me again kid....

olivia: don't plan to...

scott: glad to hear it...because next time...we may just leave you in there

[olivia playfully pushes scott and notices arthur and her mother are not there]

olivia: mom...didn't want to show up...

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