Aunt Ginger

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[mandy and olivia are in her room listening to breaking benjamin while smoking some pot]

mandy: so you sure you're parents won't mind us..smoking in here

olivia: no...besides...there in atlantic city...

mandy: nice...i bet that will give you a nice break from arthur....

olivia: you got that right

mandy: you door is always open...that is if you don't mind my brothers...

olivia: you're brothers...i can handle..well i better hit the kash and grab..babysitting carl...he wanted some snacks...

mandy: how about i join you...

olivia: ok

[the two are now walking to the Kash and Grab and see Ian and mandy goes over and touches his ass ]

ian: Hey, that's sexual harassm...

[ian then looks over and sees olivia and mandy]

ian: Mandy?

mandy: Hey, Ian.

ian: uh...hey livvy...Uh, what, what's going on?

mandy: I wanted to thank you for coming to my rescue in history class today.


[olivia , mandy and ian are in class as the teacher tries to feel up mandy]

teacher: The colonial soldiers conserved what by declaring, "Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes"?

teacher: Oh, shit!

[the teacher then trips over ian's bag as everyone laughs]

[end of flashback]

IAN: No problem.

olivia: Mr. Bancroft's a total prick.

mandy: Well, I think you might be my knight in shining armor.

ian: (laughs) Right.

mandy: You are funny, Ian Gallagher.

ian: Okay.

mandy: Well, what time do you get off work?

ian: Uh, you know, I think it's inventory night, so probably not till really late.

mandy: All right, well, I guess I'll see you around school tomorrow, then?

ian: Yeah, right. Uh... See you tomorrow, Mandy.

[mandy then sends olivia a look and leaves and ian sends her a look]

olivia: i think you just got hit on by a milkovich...

ian: huh...

olivia: i don't think she is aware..that you are gay..but i should go

ian: babysitting carl?

olivia: yep..

ian: careful...he may try and make a move on you

olivia: i think i will live

[the two then laugh as olivia leaves]

[at the gallaghers]

[olivia is on the couch while drinking a coke and carl comes over with popcorn]

carl: so olivia...think we can consider this a first date...

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