Casey Casden

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[Sarah and Scott's house]

[olivia is strumming on her guitar singing the night we met]

sarah: [walking in kitchen] that sounds cover

olivia: yea...i heard the song..on the radio..couldn't get enough of it...

[scott then walks in]

scott: hey liv...nice tune...i didn't know you liked lord huron

sarah: of course she does...she has my taste in music

[sarah then pulls olivia in a side hug as scott hands olivia and sarah some coffee]

[at gallagher house]

[ian and lip's room]

[ian keeps looking at lip as the two are getting ready]

lip: something on your mind...

ian: yeah...

lip: what's going on

ian: do you like livvy...

lip: what would give you that idea

ian: i saw you looking at her through the window...when she was with you like her

lip: i mean..i like her as a friend...i mean she is attractive...but...i and karen got something going on..

ian: not officially...

[the two then stare at one another]

ian: listen...if you do happen to like better mean it...she is my best friend...and you may get away with how you treat karen..but i won't let you do that to livvy

[ian then walks away as lip looks out the window seeing sarah and olivia talking and the way he looks at her implies he lied to ian and does like her but is scared to admit his true feelings]


[olivia is watching some tv while mew is in her lap and her phone goes off and she sees ian calling her]

olivia: hey...

[olivia sighs]

olivia: debbie...did what...yea i'll be right over

[gallagher house]


[ian, olivia, steve, fiona , lip and debbie are sitting around the table talking about Casey]

FIONA: We need to get your stories straight for the police. Why did you take the boy?

debbie: He was crying for his mom, and his mom wasn't around.

fiona: Did you try to find his mom?

debbie: No, he was crying and nobody cared, so I took him.

fiona: You can't say that! What's wrong with you?! 

steve: Hey, Fi!

lip: You know what, Debs? Was he inside or outside of the yard when you grabbed him?

debbie: Inside.

olivia: Well, okay, so how'd you get him out?

debbie: I waved a Snickers bar at him.

ian: Did anybody see you?

debbie: I don't think so. We just ran.

fiona: That wasn't suspicious.

ian: So you were running down the street...

debbie: I used a stroller.

FIONA: What stroller?

debbie: Liam's old one.

fiona: The one I told you to throw out?

debbie: I fixed it. For emergencies.

(banging on door causes everyone to jump)

VERONICA: Open up! Hurry!

[lip then gets up and opens the door and veronica and kevin walk in with sarah and scott]

lip: Oh, shit.

sarah: What in the hell is going on?

scott: Is this that missing kid?

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