Nana Gallagher had an affair

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[gallagher house]

[olivia is lying in the bed with ian as lip sits up by the door overhearing monica and roberta talk about taking liam]

roberta: So how long you plan on us staying here playing house?

monica: Did you see those kids' faces? Do you see the way they looked at me?

roberta: I'm not supporting six kids. We get the DNA results tomorrow. It'll prove Liam's not Frank's.

Monica: shh

ROBERTA: That way if this shithead changes his mind, he can't ever try and take Liam back. 

MONICA: Quiet. Quiet. They're sleeping.

roberta: We are going to make a great family, baby. I'm going to take care of you and Liam like Frank never could.

(giggling, murmuring)

ROBERTA: Possession is 9/10th's of the law.

[roberta and monica then walk off as olivia, ian and lip all share a look]

[next morning]

[olivia and ian are sitting by the table as the rest of the gallaghers, monica and roberta are getting ready for the day]

lip: Monica, Carl needs something from you.

carl: Here. 

[carl then hands her a permission slip]

monica: What? What's this?

LIP: Permission slip.

monica: [signing the form] Oh. You're going to the aquarium! When? 

CARL: Today. I need ten dollars. 

roberta: What for?

carl: Admission fee.

roberta: School doesn't pay for that? 

LIP: No; and he'll need money for food.

roberta: Grab him an instant oatmeal and a Pop-Tart. Makes a great lunch. 

[olivia then hands carl a $20 dollar bill and he takes it with a smile]

monica: Deb, what are you doing? 

debbie: I'm looking for a poster board and markers. I'm running for re-election....and livvy is helping me

[olivia then shares a smile with debbie]

monica: Ian...livvy..., could you help her?

[ian and olivia then get up to help debbie and get ready to go to school]

monica: If you all would tell me these things the night before, it would be a little better in the morning.

lip: I need 40 bucks. 


monica: Bob, do you have a five?

roberta: In... in my wallet. Where it's gonna stay.

(liam murmurs)

lip: Look, I need a new calculus textbook. I can get it used; only costs 20.

[olivia then hands lip $40]

olivia: here...take it

lip: oh..i couldn't

olivia: it's ok...besides...its for school

[lip then takes it and the two share a smile when he takes the money touching her hand]

IAN: Where are our lunches?

[lip and olivia then pull apart and look towards the rest of the gallaghers who  are staring down monica]

monica: Huh? Um...

roberta: What is everybody looking at? Start spreading peanut butter on bread.

monica: Right.So...

[there is a bunch of bread laid out on the counter]

monica: Okay. Where's the jelly?

[monica then puts all the sandwiches in brown paper bags and splits an oreo throwing one in each bag]

roberta: We won't be here when you get home from school.

debbie: Why? 

monica: What?

debbie: Fiona always tells us why.

roberta: None of your damn business why. 

monica: Bob! 

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