Daddy's Girl

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[gallagher house]

[olivia and ian are lying down on the bed together and they are on opposite sides of the bed while lip is on the computer sitting on a chair]

fiona: [coming in the room] Stop downloading porn.

lip: Oops, busted.

fiona: I need a sweater.

[she then starts looking through the sweaters]

lip: Help yourself.

fiona: What are you guys doing?

lip: We're looking for homeboy's dad.

ian: He's looking for homeboy's dad.

LIP: Jesus. There are a lot of Gallaghers.

olivia: Hey, Fiona, do you know any of Frank's brothers' names?

fiona: shit, I have no idea. Oh, I think one of them's Wendell or something.I suppose I could just start calling them all.

fiona: What do you care, anyway?

ian: He just wishes it was him that wasn't Frank's kid.

lip: Plus, you know, if we find Ian's real dad, you know, maybe he'll give us some cash or we could report his name to the state and collect extra child support.

ian: Then I'd have to hang out with the dude.

olivia: He might be cool.

fiona: Ha, Frank's brother?

olivia: He's got to be better than Frank, right? I mean, maybe he has a job or he's sober or he likes kids.

ian: Doubt it.

fiona: Oh, hey, how about this one, Debs?

[fiona then shows the shirt to debbie]

debbie: It'll have to do...livvy what do you think

olivia: i like it...

debbie: good..Now go. Come on.

[the two then take the sweater] 

fiona: Oh, take the bus out to see Grammy. She'll know where the brothers are.

[the two then leave the room as olivia, lip and ian share a look]



[olivia, ian and lip are walking outside toward the bus station]

LIP: Aren't you a little bit curious to find out who he is? 

Ian: No.

lip: No, he could be any one of these guys.

ian: Oh, yeah? Like that one right there?

olivia: Totally.

ian: Look, he's going to be a douche bag, no matter who he is.

olivia: He can't be any worse than Frank. He's a Gallagher.

lip: Maybe he'll take you to a game or... you know, kick in some scratch for college, or give you a kidney. Hell, a birthday card once a year... that's a win, right?

ian: Do we know any cool dads?

olivia: Scotty Houston's father. But he's on that sex offenders list for jacking off in Sherman Park.



[grandma gallagher comes to the visitation room as olivia, lip and ian walk forward]

lip: There she is.Hey, Grammy.

grammy: Who the hell are you?

lip: Grams, it's us. Lip and Ian... Frank's sons.

ian: Your grandsons.

grammy: My goodness. Would you look at you two? I have never seen apple and spice looking so nice.

ian: Thanks, Grammy...

grammy: [looking at olivia] now...which grandson...does this pretty thing belong too

[olivia then smiles]

olivia: oh...thanks mrs. gallagher

grammy: it's grammy to you dear...

olivia: thank you grammy...i'm actually ian's best friend and lip's friend

grammy: that's too bad...she would be a keeper boys

lip: that's our's it going in there?

grammy: (sighs) Well, the food's not so great, but the pussy's pretty good. Never thought I'd be the type. Oh, this dump ain't so bad. I can get blow anytime I like.

lip: Sounds all right.

grammy: Yeah. The only thing that sucks is, they got me cleaning toilets. I wanted to be on the kitchen crew, but they won't let me anywhere near the place. One meth lab explosion, and this is what I get.

lip: Well, yeah. It's probably the two college students that died in the fire, Grams.

grammy: So what do you want?

lip: Well, we're, uh... we're trying to find Dad's brothers. There's, uh, three, right?

grammy: Who wants to know?

lip: Just us.

ian: One might be my dad.

grammy: How so?

olivia: Uh, Monica... boned a brother.

grammy: What?

olivia: Monica... she fucked a brother.

grammy: I never liked that woman. So, I give you the names, what are you going to do for me?

lip: What do you want?

grammy: Cigarettes... carton a week.

lip: What, you can get blow in here, but not cigarettes?

grammy: Go figure.

lip: Yeah, you got it.

grammy: Clayton, Jerry and my baby Wyatt. They're in the book. But don't bother with Wyatt. He lost his testicles in the Navy. 

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