But at last came a knock

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[olivia, ian and lip are hanging out in their room and lip walks back in]

Lip: Liam is officially asleep.

olivia: That was fast. 

lip: Yeah, well, three pages from Deb's Eat, Pray, Love and he's out.

(olivia and ian laugh and smoke a joint)

ian: And if James Franco wasn't in the movie, I would've nodded off, too.

(olivia chuckles)

olivia: i'm with you there...

lip: Have you got any cash you can float me? Florence & the Machine are playing down at the Chicago Theater. I really want to take Karen for her birthday.

ian: Pricey gift. You think it's getting serious?

lip: fuck off. She's my best friend.

(ian and olivia laugh)

ian: correction...me and livvy are best friends...you and karen...more...like  boyfriend girlfriend....

lip: Okay? You know I'd never spend that kind of cash on a girl, anyway.

ian: All right, well, I got a Hamilton, and it's yours.

lip: Thanks, man.

olivia: and despite....my hatred towards karen jackson....here is a 20

lip: thanks liv

(Liam crying)

BOTH: [ian and lip doing rock paper scissors] One, two, three.

[lip then gets up to deal with liam as ian and olivia laugh and she pulls out her guitar and strums]

ian: new tune

olivia: something like that....you like

ian: yeah....so how is thomas....things good

olivia: yeah...things are great...how about mickey...

ian: good...i mean we are not official or anything...but...its nice

[olivia then notices his smile]

olivia: you really like him don't you

ian: yeah...i do

olivia: i'm happy for you....you deserve to be happy ian...

ian: so do you...livvy....

[the two then smile as she continues to strum on her guitar]

[next day]

[olivia and ian are throwing popcorn at one another laughing and poking fun with the rest of the gallaghers and steve walks in]

steve: Oh, this popcorn's burnt. 

fiona: Our microwave sucks. That doesn't mean I want you to buy us a new one.

tv: The universe is smaller than atoms. But it's also the story of our own planet. 

[the door then shuts and debbie walks in]

olivia: Debs?

fiona: Honey, what happened?

LIP: What, Dad have one too many again?

ian: You just got to ignore him when he's like that, Debs.

debbie: Why do you always blame Dad first?

fiona: Who else is there?

debbie: She's over at Sheila's.

steve: Who?

Shameless Season 1Where stories live. Discover now