Chapter 10

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I know you are tired,
I know you are physically and
emotionally drained,
But you have to keep going.

"You are finally here",gurujis coarse
voice grazed me,as I took blessings from him.

I'm here early in the morning,standing infrent of my least favorite person.

"It seems like you were awaiting for my presence",I voice out my thoughts.

"Yes,I was waiting for you to realize the depth of situation we are in".he  states making me to bend my head in utter

"I admire the calm-facade you put on,without letting anyone to see your inner turmoil",he smiles genuinely.

Dear God,how I like to runaway from here;only if  he was not the last man who  could have helped me.

"I know",a self-satisfactory smile etches on his holy face,"but we both know that,only I can lead you towards right path"

Did he just read my mind.
God ,this man is very dangerous.

I let out a huff and turns to face him,he has a godly-aura surrounding him,with  twinkle in his eyes, as if he is awaiting me to finally lose my calm and start bombarding him with my questions.

Guess what?I will just do that..
I remember the look he gave me yesterday,as if he knows every
mysterical thing I was experiencing,but hiding from my family.

well,except from Adi.

"So you are telling me that you already know,what's happening to me"?,I ask him.

"No,I don't",he replies,"Somethings are meant to be known by only particular persons".

I scoff at him,good way of dodging the question.

"But,I can assure, you are already in the right path",he says assessing me with his calculative gaze.

"Right path?"

"Yes,you are here because you faced a
hurdle in the path you were moving",he says.

I stare at him,not quite understanding his complex words.

"Like mysterious death of the sculptor".

I got stunned by his statement.

"It means you know that he has been murdered".I gasped out to which he didn't respond.

"You are the one,that stole the book right?",I asked him doubtfully,to which he let out a mocking laugh.

"Why will I need it,when I know each corners of the temple like the back of my hand?",he raised his voice suddenly which made me to take a step back.

You accused a godly man of stealth,you deserve it.

"I'm really sorry guruji,I didn't imply it like that",I regretfully bowed infrent of him.

"It's high time to take matters seriously,instead of doubting me".he said gruffly,staring in my way

"Why was the oldman murdered?"I ask him finally.

"You know the answer for it".

I think for some time before further answering.

"A book?",I further enquire,"he was killed for a mere book"?

"If it was a mere book,then why were you behind it?",he raised his brows as if asking me,you are that dumb?or you are simply acting like one?

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