Teach Me Well - V

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Jennie nearly cooed. "No wonder you're so mad at me all the time," She lightly teased, pressing her lips in a chaste kiss to the corner of Jisoo's lips, on her cheek, where her skin burned upon contact and Jisoo could only mumble incoherencies.

"Wha.. what do you mean?" Jisoo stuttered out.

"You must think about me.." Jennie wondered, her hands finally making their way beneath the material of Jisoo's shirt, fingers twitching with the desire to move, to explore, "A lot. Maybe even all the time. That must be annoying."

Jisoo's abdomen tensed at the contact. "Its not.. entirely bad," She managed out, though her focus was entirely glued to the sensation of Jennie's hands, firm and calloused, running up and down the bare skin of her stomach, just grazing along the hem of her bra line.

"Do you think about me all the time?" Jennie asked, her voice even lower than before, eyes forcing Jisoo to stare right back into them, where she could nearly see her own reflection in their wake.

"..I'm not going to say."

Jennie's hands gripped along her waist, tight and with a hint of control, forcing their bodies to remain touched, till their noses bumped together.

"Answer me," Jennie ordered, in a way that sent shivers down Jisoo's spine. The same air of command as when she taught, but this was directed at her. At her only, not her other students, not another person, not at Roseanne, who Jisoo had no other prior knowledge about, but still felt the insane burn of envy every time her name escaped Jennie's lips.

Jisoo's throat tightened.

"Fine," She spat, "I do."

"Like when?"

Jisoo's hands found their way back into Jennie's hair, soft and silky, smelling sweet as her fingers easily tangled in the roots, like if they were always supposed to be there.

"Tell me," Jennie demanded, thumb brushing just under the hem of Jisoo's sports bra, making her muscles stiffen at the sensation, this time a small whine was unable to be held back as Jisoo felt the noise ring in her own ears.

"I-I guess when I practice my dances," Jisoo sputtered out, "Sometimes j-just randomly-"

"Like when you're at work?"

Jisoo hummed in agreement, eyes fluttering shut as Jennie leaned in, pressing warm kisses to her cheek, pushing forward and trailing them to her jaw. "When else?" Jennie practically breathed out, hot breath making goosebumps trail up Jisoo's arm and neck.

"I-I don't know," Jisoo insisted, cringing at the shakiness of her voice, utterly defeated at how easily she cracked beneath the pressure of Jennie Kim, feeling tension in the pit of her stomach to the nth degree, another unholy sound crawling from her throat.

"You know," Jennie huffed, another hot kiss pressed to the side of Jisoo's neck. Jisoo felt another whine, "Don't lie." She insisted, never slowing down as her lips continued their journey, nipping at the tanned skin.

"F-fine," Jisoo broke immediately, "Maybe.. maybe just all the time. Maybe when I'm doing nothing."

The tone shifted.

"What about when you're doing something?" Jennie suddenly asked, so darkly it made Jisoo lose whatever breath she barely managed to have.

"What.. what do you mean?" Jisoo licked her lips, staring in anticipation at the older woman, whose eyes were blown with dark, dark thoughts, Jisoo wondered if they terrorized her in the same way they did to her. Constant and overtaking every inch of her senses, short-circuiting her mind into overdrive and malfunction.

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