Kinda Fake Dating - III

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Jisoo nearly fell twice as she runs from Building 4 to Building 2.

She didn't want Jennie to have to wait for her too long if possible, especially not if people are still being mean to her. She struggled against the stream of people coming out of the building for lunch.

She got in just as Jennie was coming down the stairs from the second floor. Hyoseop was at her side, talking to her animatedly. Jennie interjected every so often with something that only makes him more excited.

Jisoo didn't like the way Hyoseop was looking at Jennie. His eyes were bright and awed and his entire body angled toward hers. Jisoo remembered that he used to look at her like that and she's not jealous. She doesn't want Hyoseop to have feelings for her. She'd been happy when he'd dated Sejeong even though she had been mean to Jisoo because at least it meant Hyoseop was moving on.

She figured that it bothers her because Jennie was her friend and she can do better than Hyoseop. Not that Hyoseop wasn't amazing, because he is, it's just that..

Before Jisoo could pinpoint the root of what's bothering her, Jennie caught sight of her and her entire expression softens.

It's not quite a smile but the crease between her eyes vanished and the corners of her lips turn up a little. Jisoo waved and was overjoyed when Jennie waved back.

Once they're close enough, Jisoo grabbed Jennie's hand and pulled her close enough that their shoulders bump. She smoothened her thumb over the back of Jennie's hand and smiled when Jennie squeezes.

"Jis, Jennie knows more about hyperbolic coordinates than I do. I'm so glad you guys are 'going out' now," Hyoseop said with a wink.

"I don't know what hyper whatever stuff is but that sounds cool," Jisoo said.

"Hyperbolic coordinates," Hyoseop began. "They're..."

Jisoo knew his about-to-go-on-a-full-fledged-rant tone very well so she tuned out and instead focused on Jennie. She caught her looking down at their joined hands.

"Does this make you uncomfortable?" Jisoo whispered.

Jennie showed a smile and shook her head, tightening her grip so that Jisoo couldn't let go if she wanted to.

"I like it," She whispered back and Jisoo grinned despite herself.

By the time they got to the dining hall, Hyoseop was still talking and Jennie has started to listen again. She seemed genuinely interested in what he was saying.

Jisoo couldn't make heads or tails of it, honestly, but she didn't mind because when Jennie gets focused her eyes get more brownish and Jisoo felt like she could drown in them.

The whispers still followed them. People openly stared at them and at their joined hands as they made their way through the dining hall.

Jisoo saw Lisa Manobal watching them with sharp eyes and she wondered what sort of rumors she will spread about them now.

Roseanne was nice to Jennie when they sat down. At least she didn't glare at her which was an improvement.

Jinyoung still won't say a word to her at all, won't even look at her unless he had to. Jisoo thought that she'll probably have to talk to him if he kept that up. She wanted Jennie to be comfortable around her and around her friends. And she didn't want to lose Jinyoung either.

Lunch goes well for about ten minutes until Lisa slipped into the seat next to Jinyoung, eyes zeroing in on Jennie, who fell silent under the senior's sharp gaze.

"So. Jennie Kim." Lisa started. "Tell me how you managed to snag sweet, innocent Jisoo Park. Many have tried in the past, many have failed. Why are you so special?"

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