Kinda Fake Dating - V

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They fall right back into the swing of things once school starts back up. Though their schedules have changed, Jennie and Jisoo still had D-Block off together and they kept making their way slowly but surely through Adventure Time. Everything felt perfect and balanced and Jennie has been so happy in the last couple months that she wondered what she did to deserve it. She hoped that nothing ever changes.

Of course, the universe has other plans.

They're a week back into classes and everyone had settled in enough to remember what was coming up.

The first Saturday night of February was always set aside for Wright Night, named after the founder of the school, and the only formal dance that the underclassmen could attend.

Already, public proposals were happening. One of the acapella group leaders asked his buddies to help him sing to his girlfriend. A message was written out in the snow in front of one of the dorms. It very quickly became impossible to escape. The question hanging over everyone's head was 'who are you going with?'

Of course, Jennie had never gone before. No one would go with her, whether as a date or even just as friends, and appearing at a formal dance in formal wear did not quite fit into her plans of keeping her head down.

Therefore, the thought of going this year doesn't cross her mind until one day, she's eating lunch with Roseanne and Hyoseop. Jisoo had a group project that she and the rest of her group mates had procrastinated on and they were doing their best to scrape it together last minute. Jennie could see them sitting a few tables away and every so often Jisoo would look over at her and smile.

Over the last month or so, Jennie had gotten comfortable around Hyoseop and Roseanne. Roseanne still looked at her like she pitied her sometimes, but she's smart and she liked that Jennie was too. Hyoseop could very well become Jennie's best friend. He's almost as interested in mechanical engineering as she was, and she's almost as interested in computer systems as he was and they ended up working really well together. Normally, they could blow through an entire lunch period talking about some new journal article they've read or a new project they wanted to try.

But today, the topic of conversation inevitably turns to Wright Night.

"Ugh," Hyoseop whined at Roseanne, "I can't believe even you got asked."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She snapped back.

"Nothing, nothing," Hyoseop said, holding his hands up in the air as a surrendering plea. "You're just a little.. prickly..?"

"Oh, I'll show you prickly," Roseanne said, and was half a second from climbing over the table before Jennie decided to save Hyoseop.

"Who asked you?"

Roseanne immediately melted back into her seat and a soft blush risen to her cheeks.

"Pranpriya Manobal."

"Oh shoot, she must be the one on the dance team that you've been crushing on forever?" Jennie said. She remembered Roseanne talking about it to Jisoo a while back on how she was gushing over Lisa Manobal's twin.

"Yeah, I'm really excited," Roseanne said, and it showed in her eyes. "It's just, I have no clue what to wear. I don't own any fancy dresses like that and I'm really nervous."

"I have a few in my closet," Jennie said, "You can borrow whichever one you like best."

"Which one do you plan on wearing?" Rosé asked.

"Me?" Jennie said, surprised. "I.. I wasn't.. I mean, I didn't plan on going."

"What?" Hyoseop and Roseanne's exclamations were perfectly synchronized.

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