Cat Owner - I

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Jennie had every intention of crashing into bed as soon as she got home.

She had a long day at work, what with two big KJ Incorportated projects launching and a third in its critical phase. Really, fuck anyone who thought she got special treatment just because her brother was the CEO. If anything, it meant she had to work twice as hard—one, to prove to everyone that she's good enough to be the head of the KJ Inc's bioengineering research department when she's barely thirty; and two, so she didn't disappoint her brother, who's got high, high hopes for her.

"Yeah, fuck that," Jennie muttered under her breath. Her keys jingled as she unlocked the door to her apartment. "I swear to god I'm skipping the next 10PM meeting."

She huffed under her breath and practically dragged her feet into the apartment. She's exhausted, mentally and physically, that she slammed her hand on the wall to feel for the switch to turn on the light in the living room.

Jennie's eyes adjusted to the light and she closed the door with a sigh. A yawn forced its way out of her, making her teary-eyed. She kicked off her heels and placed her bag on her couch.

Jennie blinked when she noticed a black pillow on it move. She didn't have a black throw pillow. A jacket? Jennie reached out to take it, and then—

There's a shrill meow! and Jennie almost fell on her ass.

"What the fuck!"

The black thing yawned and stretched, and a second later the furball looked up at Jennie, wide eyes whose bright yellows became a ring around darkness.


It's a fucking cat. A full-grown, fluffy, black cat, sitting on her couch.

She didn't have a cat.

The furball meowed again. Jennie blinked. Is she hallucinating?

"How in hell did you get in?" She muttered, looking around to see possible entrances. Definitely not the front door. The balcony? A quick glance at the sliding door shows that Jennie remembered to close it before she left earlier.

Jennie heard a soft clinking, like a bell, and looked down when she felt something rub against her. The cat meowed again as it headbutted Jennie's leg. It's then that she noticed the orange collar around the cat's neck.

"Huh." Not a stray then. Jennie sighed as she leaned down in front of the cat. It meowed again. "Prison break, hm?"

Carefully, Jennie reached out her hand, watching if the black cat looked like it will scratch. It pushed its head against Jennie's hand though, and the woman can't help but smile, her exhaustion be damned.

She gave the cat a little scratch between its ears, then reached for its collar. Jennie found a bell and a small tag. The furball meowed as Jennie read the name etched on metal.

"Sneaky," She murmured. The cat meowed again, headbutting Jennie's hand once more. Jennie laughed softly. "Yes, yes. Hold on, let's see..."

She inspected the tag again and lets out a breath when she found a name and a number on the other side of it. Jennie reached for her bag on the couch to fish out her phone—all while her right hand was busy petting the black furball. Sneaky.

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