Teach Me Well - IV

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Block 4:

There was no denial, no arguing. There was no agitation in Jennie's voice to vehemently deny Jisoo's (what she assumed to be) wild claim. Jisoo was stumped, allowing herself to be dragged (Jennie had a habit of tugging her by the end of her shirt) back into start position.

"Don't think I'm going to ease up on you," Jennie nearly threatened, but despite the dark demeanor, all Jisoo could do was shiver slightly, feeling the way goosebumps formed in near record-breaking heat. Jennie had that effect on her, undeniable agitation and frustration in the best and worst way possible. Leaving her freezing but hot all over, their skin not even brushing against one another.

The music began. Jisoo danced.

It wasn't perfect, it never was. There was a reason Jisoo paid someone else to tell her what she was doing wrong. And Jennie was probably the closest thing to perfect Jisoo would ever come in contact with. Perfect hands, perfect hair, perfect eyes. Or maybe the word Jisoo was looking for was beautiful, but in her mind, what exactly was the difference? Jennie was beautiful, was perfect. Beautiful skin, a beautiful body, and beautiful dancing. She knew since the moment she had laid eyes on the instructor, looking for something to keep her entertained as she took a gap in her master's program. And Jennie danced nearly perfect. Perfect angles, perfect posture, perfect emotion. Jisoo knew she wasn't quite there, but it electrified her to know that Jennie's eyes were watching her, watching her every move. Picking through what was good and what was not.

At some point, Jisoo wasn't even focusing on the dance, she couldn't remember a time where she actually was. No, she was watching wide doe brown eyes, that watched her every move. That watched her posture, her angles. That gazed down, to her legs, to the exposed skin of her stomach that was shown when her shirt lifted just a little too high. How her eyes trailed through every inch of Jisoo's body, taking it all in, all at once, and piece by piece.

It was crazy, Jisoo had decided, when her brain somehow went into autopilot, practicing the dance she barely knew, becoming hyper aware of the way Jennie's chest moved up and down, slightly, breathing in every time she was especially impressed. Her blood pumped through her veins, amplifying every sound of the bass booming, of how fast her breathing had become.

Jisoo stumbled.

The music ended.

"Good job," Jennie said so casually, searching for the remote as the next song on the track list began to play, "Just be careful at the end-"

"You piss me off so bad-"

Jennie stopped, blinking a few times, before turning to face Jisoo.

"Excuse me, Miss Kim?" She tried but the agitation was beginning to cut off the sensibility in Jisoo's mind, clouding it with dark lipstick and slight heavy breaths, and what exactly could be linked to short, ragged breaths but-

"Shut up," Jisoo could only groan, and suddenly the room finally felt just as hot as it had been the whole time, unbearably burning that Jisoo couldn't even catch a whiff of fresh, cold air.

"I don't appreciate the attitude-" Jennie repeated, fists clenching in frustration, "I am doing everything I can to deal with your-"

"Shut up," Jisoo begged, "Shut up, shut up, shut up-"

"Okay no, you shut up!" Jennie finally snapped, "I don't care about your bitchy attitude but-"

"Oh, and I'm just supposed to ignore it?" Jisoo snapped, somehow taking a few daring steps closer, craning her neck to stare up slightly to the taller teacher, watching as Jennie's shoulders tensed in defense. As her nose scrunched slightly, a scowl of pure annoyance morphing over her delicate features.

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