Day 142

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Early this morning before the sun had risen I had already used my exoskeleton to fly to Purgatory, the closest Labyrinth City to the Royal Capital. I arrived within 30 minutes and entered via the sky. The reason I entered from above rather than through the gate is that it's troublesome to wait and then have to use the【Proof of Belonging to Royal Authority】.

If it isn't discovered, there won't be any problems. Even if I'm exposed, I can just eat the eye-witness to destroy all the evidence. However, I entered the Labyrinth City from the sky without any incident.

I had my clone enter beforehand to receive a certain necklace, to which I immediately equipped. This necklace is the kind of magical item that normal adventurers possess. It has a simple design and is decorated with a small golden plate that's attached with a durable cord.

It's an item issued by the chief administrator that is in charge of overseeing various guilds and organizations which has the effect【License to Traverse the Dungeon】. It's an item that is necessary for a non-human to be differentiated from the standard monsters while traversing the interior of the dungeon.

It was one of the items I was recommended to prepare back in the Labyrinth City for when I go into the dungeons so that I can avoid idle conflicts with humans while within the dungeon. Of course I can still enter the dungeon without it. However, there are a lot of benefits to buying the necklace.

To illustrate, if I have this necklace equipped and I'm caught off guard and killed by some adventurers while in the dungeon, the other party's necklaces have a mechanism that will identify the criminals by emitting a red light.

It seems that even if the criminals get a new necklace or change out their old one for a different one, the necklace will still emit the red light. Then, when the crime comes to light, the guilds use all their power to thoroughly investigate it and arrest the criminal. The punishment they receive will vary depending upon the weight of their crime.

At any rate, apart from assisting a dying comrade, if someone kills a large number of people and steals their goods, following questioning, they will be subjected to capital punishment in the form of an indefinite period of forced manual labor.

Of course, there are loopholes, but since you can reduce the risk of being killed by other adventurers with this, the fact is that some degree of safety and sense of security can be obtained.

In addition, guild employees offer discounts at their stores, as well as various other privileges. However, the biggest bonus seems to be the ensured safety that comes with it.

The reason that Minokichi was attacked before seems to be because the necklace was destroyed due to his growth during his【Rank Up】. However, this is the troublesome matter, it costs 5 silver coins per person to acquire one.

Moreover, after exploring a dungeon, if you intend to enter another one, you need to pay 5 silver coins again to get a necklace followed by 5 additional coins for each dungeon.

From what I hear, every time you enter a dungeon, it's necessary to have the necklace corresponding to that particular dungeon. Even if I try to save money by carrying the same necklace into other dungeons, the effect won't work outside of the dungeon it was created for.

It advises you of this by emitting a pale light from the gold plate that it is adorned to. It's a very greedy business. To enter a dungeon costs around 5 silver coins. It's a rather crafty practice utilizing the fact that one can easily earn money while traversing a dungeon

Setting aside the idle talk for the time being, I decided to enter the Mine of the Cyclops, one of Purgatory's dungeons.

Mine of the Cyclops is a common type of underground dungeon that, from what I hear, has 20 floors. The monsters are of intermediate strength that emerge from its depths. Since it doesn't go very deep, it's the perfect challenge for a one day vacation. Judging from the name, the image I had before entering was that of a rocky cave.

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