Day 151

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Well, a day has passed since the Minister was poisoned and died. In that time, just about every faction and organization within the Royal Capital and otherwise have begun making big movements, but none of them have made any moves that have greatly affected us.

For now, if I were to summarize the current information that I've gathered about the Minister's assassination, it plays out like this.

First, the Sternbild Kingdom is unable to determine a culprit, or have any real idea as to whom the perpetrator might be. The frenzied investigation is being carried out by an actual excellent intelligence unit, though even with that, they can't seem to make any progress on the matter. The only information they've really managed to gather is stuff that just about anyone could easily get with just a little looking around.

That more or less includes:

The Minister was murdered in a private room within his own private residence.

There were no traces of a conflict or resistance.

None of the alarms installed within the complex were set off. Each of them were magical in nature, spread throughout the entire building.

The first witnesses to the scene were the chief butler and the head maid that he had brought with him.

The cause of death was by a special new poison.

Furthermore, the poison that had been used to assassinate the Minister caused purple pustules the size of small beans to form all over his body. The resulting effect was a partial necrosis. It seems that by the time he was discovered, there was already a distasteful smell in the air and the corpse had become pretty grotesque.

Because the poison seems to be a new type, the [Magic Pharmacist] and [Alchemist] of the royal court's payroll have gathered samples from the Minister's corpse for study and research. This was so they could use the samples to find the poison's cure with all of their might to prevent further instances of poisoning within the nobility, but since only a short amount of time has passed since they began, there still isn't one.

However, according to the old man serving as the head of their medical department, the poison is so dangerous that they aren't even sure they can develop a cure, no matter how much time they spend on it. This was the gist of the report he had submitted to the king.

Well, to sum it all up at once, aside from the culprit, there is no one else with an antidote or means to produce one. Meaning everyone else that gets exposed to it besides the culprit would die from it.

For that reason, with the exception of that very same culprit, who was capable of assassinating the Minister who was heavily protected by powerful elites, it doesn't look like anyone can be saved.

In that case, those who are being protected by bodyguards far inferior to that of the Minister's will be completely incapable of resisting, all according to the whims of the culprit.

They'll be poisoned and become rather unsightly corpses. It's possible that entire families may be massacred during this time as well. It seems that this conjecture of the court caused a majority of the nobles to believe, "It's probably going to become just like that," which then planted a seed of terror in their minds.

Including nobles of influential families within the Nobles Faction led by the Minister, the number of people who couldn't sleep at all last night was probably fairly high. After one night passed, there were already plenty of pamper bodied nobles with bags under their eyes. Their hollowed cheeks and bad complexions quickly began to be the common sight within many groups in the Royal Castle. Many tended to avoid even making eye contact out of paranoia.

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