Day 170

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At night, while the stars shine down on the world. While there were some people scattered around the Royal Castle, there was another group sneaking around. They were a group consisting of a thoroughly trained elite Goblin and some Ninja Kobolds who specialized in covert operations.

In their hands were either matted daggers made of mithril or Ninja Swords, which are living body weapons. On their bodies, they wore black armor that increases their hiding effectiveness, which was made of black bones. Only the exterior of it was able to move.

Like this, they didn't speak as they moved in search of prey but instead used hand signals and eye contact to communicate in secrecy

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Like this, they didn't speak as they moved in search of prey but instead used hand signals and eye contact to communicate in secrecy. With their ability as spies having been greatly enhanced, their goal was the Nobles Faction's private army.

They edged up behind the enemy, who was on the lookout for suspicious characters as they walked the corridors of the Royal Castle, and silenced them by cutting their throat. Because their experienced movements were carried out silently, not even someone standing in the hallway several meters ahead of them would have taken notice.

The corpse of the target they hunted was put in a body bag and brought back with them, without leaving a single drop of blood behind. Although they're like skilled assassins, they aren't related to the Nobles Faction. When a common soldier passes by as they're doing their work, they hide away without doing anything.

They're able to naturally get into a soldier's blind spot by using the cover of a pillar to hide. Those among them that are particularly skilled can change the shape of the exterior armor's black bones so they can cling to the ceiling. That rarely happens, though.

Like this, the hunting continued until daybreak. In total, more than 50 of their private soldiers went missing. The soldiers were never found, but the bodies of 10 nobles were discovered instead.

They were not nobles that had a powerful influence like the Snake Grandfather and the Strong Grandson, but they were able to affect the lower seats. The corpses of the nobles were found by their maids when they went to wake them up in the morning. Their strange appearance made it likely that they were killed using the same poison that killed the Minister.

Although they let their greatest enemy escape, since they had taken control of the majority of the Kingdom, the Nobles Faction were somewhat careless. These assassinations that occurred will cause them to remember the casual murder of the Minister, reawakening the terror that they had started to forget.

In response, some of the Nobles quietly returned to their territory, while others tried to distract themselves with alcohol and women. There were also some who were furious at the killings and snapped challenging the perpetrator to kill them if they can. Their reactions varied, yet the commonly held terror was hard to express.

For the time being, the nobles were not senseless. They had a rough idea who the culprit was. They assumed it was the black Apostle Lord that was employed by the Tomboy Princess. He had displayed his combat capacity in the arena, so they imagined that he had the potential to pass unnoticed through the guard network around the Minister's residence. However, they had no evidence. It was not possible for them to conclude that Aporou is a tremendous criminal who knows no limits.

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