Day 153

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Today I'm currently far from the Royal Capital, observing it from a fairly high place it kind of looks like a little speck. Looks pretty surreal with the morning sun illuminating it from this distance. Well anyway, taking advantage of yesterday's event where I actually got a new ability when it shouldn't have been possible, I ended up consuming a huge amount of Wyvern meat.

Though I had eaten some with Female Samurai and the Gladiator King in the Colosseum, there was still a sufficient amount left over. There was easily enough to feed over a dozen people for a day.

However, I didn't end up gaining any new abilities even after I ate all of it. So, because that happened, I reluctantly decided to lead everyone over to the Jadar Mountain range to secure some more fresh meat. I made up my mind in the evening yesterday and for the next several hours, the Skeleton Carriage rocked as we traveled at high speeds.

The hazards on the road were either dealt with using the Skeleton Carriage itself or the several of my clones as we eventually arrived on a hillside within the danger zone of the Jadar Mountains. If one looked close enough, the peaks even had snow piled atop them.

Soon after our arrival, we began our hunt for Jadar Wyverns and other monsters that inhabited the area. Well, even though the Jadar Mountains are famous for being the birthplace of the Jadar Wyverns, there are still quite a few other monsters that live here as well.

For example, there's the Cockatrice that lives here. It's body is as big as a human's with a large snake-like tail covered in scales. It has magical eyes and a beak that carries the petrification attribute. It also has dangerous poison claws that will immobilize you with so much as a single graze. The meat is said to be delicious once it's been trimmed and prepared just right.

It seems that it's one of the dishes served during the Royal Family's parties, with fried Cockatrice seeming to be one of the Princess' favorite foods. However, it's because the Cockatrice is actually a genuinely powerful monster class, it is not a meat that will often appear on the market place.

The second example is the Naga. The Naga are a species of demonic women with the lower half of their bodies being that of a serpent. Many of them are beautiful women that possess a similar nature to the Dryad and Succubus in which they will seduce men of other species in their attempt to squeeze out their life energy until they've completely dried up and wither.

The fools drawn in by their beauty are strangled to death and swallowed whole once the dirty deed is complete and their vitality extinguished. Because they're a form of demi-human, they have the capacity for having heightened thought capacity. Since they pertain to the same family of snake as the Night Viper, they in particular pertain to a considerably troublesome class.

However, it's a given that their nests often contain certain materials that fetch for a really good price. As such, many reckless merchants may make unfavorable trades just for the sake of opening one of the nests.

Now, the third example that we encountered were the Bearbees. The Bearbees are magical beast class of insect. It's an actual bear that has six legs like a bee, 2 sets of 4 wings, venomous spines and a partial exoskeleton. It possesses strong armor, a powerful stinger with an even more vicious poison, as well as the ability to fly that leaves it just as alert and agile as a bee.

In all honesty, it's actually quite the frightening opponent. However, though it possesses a number of traits that makes it similar to that of a bee, it has a relatively low population in comparison to it's counterpart.

One could say that this is a relief, but it does seem that their hives actually hold a quite decent number of them at any given time, so that's most likely just a hollow feeling of relief...

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