Day 161

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As the sun was about to rise, Kanami and I had yet to enter the dungeon.

We had planned on meeting up with Minokichi, Asue and my son Oniwaka for the first time in a while.

Based on the signs that I've picked up on and the rumors I've overheard, combined with most of the current information I have at my disposal, I have a good feeling that my Book of Psalm's fourth chapter, [Encouraging the Kingdom's Revolution] will probably soon begin on its own terms.

For that reason, I've decided that it would be best to make some preparations in advance and had the main force set out from our settlement in the forest and start making their way over here.

With Minokichi's team serving at our vanguard given that they're already nearby, I decided to ask them over to eat together.

With the addition of Minokichi's group, the number of our people staying in Labyrinth City has increased by a good amount.

The main income for the Labyrinth City comes from the numerous adventurers that enter the dungeons and return with the dropped items and many treasures hidden within. There is also a lesser number that seeks to challenge the dungeons in their personal determination to find their own paths.

To help outfit these adventurers, there are numerous shops. Among them are shops for weapons, armor, and magical tools. There are also people that run shops that carry and sell second-hand magic items, these even include tools that improve the profitability of hunting and experience gathering.

Compared to that of other cities, excluding the Royal Capital, there is a distinguishable difference in the percentage of people who come from other places and other races than just the population that lives here as the general populace.

Because of that, there's also a decent number of restaurants that have sprung up within the city. Most of them have grown to the scale of allowing them to serve roughly around a hundred people at a given time.

I took a brief look around where I saw dozens of people grouped up in the corner of a restaurant. They seemed like they belonged to the same group. I also noticed a group that was equipped like mercenaries as well as the occasional group of people that were having friendly conversations and ate with one another.

Our group was slightly larger with just under sixty people. Despite that, we were able to quickly find a restaurant that we could all eat at when we had to look for one.

Well, that would have been the end of it if it weren't for Minokichi's gigantic five-meter tall body. The interior of the restaurant was too small so we ended up having no other choice but to eat our meal outside.

Since this was the case, we went to a suitable restaurant that had sufficient space and partook in a local specialty called the "Horseheaded Demon Guard Beast's Chablis Hot Pot"

Mmm, as the name suggests, the Chablis Hot Pot is a fairly easy dish to make that's pretty similar to a horse meat hot pot which uses Mezuki meat. The beast is an unusual breed that can be found on this continent that appears as a boss monster in some dungeons.

The hot pot has an abundance of nutritious vegetables with the thinly sliced Mezuki meat that you quickly boil in the pot, then dip into your choice of sauce as you eat.

Given that it has gotten somewhat colder recently, this hot dish was perfect for the weather since it helps warm one's body. On top of that, alcohol always makes food taste better.

One might think it's a poor decision to have that much alcohol in the morning, but once one ranks up enough, the body neutralizes the alcohol. So I'm more or less able to drink it like it's water and doesn't have to worry about getting drunk so there's no problem.

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