Day 152

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Another morning of training was completed, so I decided to wander around the Royal Capital today. When I did so, I was swarmed by people interested in joining Parabellum. Based on a quick head count, I'd guess that around 60 people have gathered.

There was a soldier who wore typical light leather armor, a tiger-eared [Beastman], a warrior who uses a short bow, a young warrior equipped with a sword, flail and buckler, and quite a few other people. The people gathered here were from various races and possessed various jobs and skills. I didn't go out yesterday, so I didn't understand the situation at first. Apparently, a group of adventurers and mercenaries were waiting around the Amber Palace where we have been staying.

Having waited all day long, the group reacted to my presence and quickly scrambled in the hopes of joining first. In the end, the commotion attracted the attention of the curious onlookers who then formed a huge mob that one could barely hope to move around in.

Since I thought it might be a problem if I try and get through them, I screened the crowd for suspicious people. In doing so, I was able to catch several hidden assassins that were prepared to target me, all of which I plan to eat later.

It will probably end up being bothersome if I stayed in front of the gate for too long, so I decided that a rough interview would be conducted by the large fountain at the central park. I let a small smile leak out as I thought that from behind, the figure of the applicants moving in succession looked just like a line of spot-billed ducks waddling along. Naturally, this caused me to smile wryly. Still, it really would be troublesome if they all ran off at once.

It also seems that a good number of them went off to call their companions from other places as we moved. I resigned myself with a sigh and hurried to the destination, since I didn't want the number of people to increase any further or else it would be troublesome to listen to them all.

By the time we arrived at the central park, the number of people seemed to have swelled up well past the original number. If I had to give a rough estimate... sigh... it's probably nearly 200 people.

Since it would be sad if I expected something interesting only to find not a single soul of note, I tried to keep my expectations as low as possible. For my mood's sake if nothing else. Ah, by the way, even though an interview is important in general, nearly thirty people who saw the process lost their interest and left.

Every last one of them was really no different from the others. Even though there were a few who seemed useful, it felt like it was a general waste of time. I didn't know how long that line would get, but as time passed, the number of people just kept getting larger and showed no signs of getting smaller.

To be honest, there wouldn't have been any issues even if I didn't take in a single one of these people into our group. The base already has a good number of members as it is, and with the new Goblins and Hobgoblins being born at a constant rate, the population's growth rate is under no real threat of slowing down in the future.

There's plenty of war potential in reserve, though it's necessary to train and teach them until they are usable. I can improvise and supply more than enough war potential with my hordes of black skeletons in less than 10 minutes. On top of that, the Black Fomorians can be used during the daytime without any problems.

Even though it's a bit late to do so now, in the future, they might be able to help out in many ways in terms of defense. After giving it a slight bit of thought, I made up my mind to at least finish all the interviews.

At the same time, it would be beneficial to immediately find talented people who could help out in various operations. There should be many that could prove useful at the very least. I have to at least figure that there's probably plenty of trouble waiting to get mixed up with me in the future as well.

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