Day 148

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To the north of the Royal Capital Osvel, there is a huge circular structure known as the Colosseum. Usually, slaves, criminals, lower class people captured in war, people sold due to their debts, and other such peoples chosen for various reasons were forced to become a【Gladiator】and kill one another there. This is the place where people gather to bet and watch these shows.

Having been soaked in human blood, the soil was a reddish-brown color with fragments of teeth and smashed metal fragments from damaged weaponry buried around. There was also a huge limestone pillar in the ground that had countless scars inscribed in it from all directions.

Now.... for some reason or another.... I'm here standing in the middle of it. The reason appears to be that by a royal decree that had been given to the Tomboy Princess, prepared by her political rival, the Minister.

Put simply, I'm a major hindrance to him and it seems that he wants to get rid of me here. In any case, the Minister arranged many powerful enemies in order to defeat me. With tens of thousands of spectators filling the surroundings, the air was actually quite tense.

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『Thank you for waiting, everybody! Today's main event will finally begin!』

The voice of the host resounded within the Colosseum, filling it with roars of madness and cheers. The number of spectators within the Colosseum was at a record high due to the Tournament of Heroes which is held only once every 3 years coming up.

On top of that, the black Apostle Lord, of whom rumors have been going around the Royal Capital, has been reserved for today's main event. There were so many people that even though there were seats enough for over sixty thousand people, the number of guests forced to stand in the passages continued to increase.

Even the private rooms that were exclusive for the use of nobility were full. Although each of the 60,000 talked quietly, their sheer number meant that the noise was quite loud to the point where it had become audible enough to be heard by the surrounding neighborhood.

Using a magical item, the host of the event increased the volume of his voice, allowing his lines to reach every corner of the Colosseum, bringing an even greater excitement. The lines he spoke contained information about the participating warriors with several light jokes mixed in between. Taking no notice of it, the master and servant who were sitting within a private room built for the royal family's exclusive use were listless.

「Princess, is this alright?」

「Is what alright?」

With shining platinum hair and a charm similar to that of a fairy, the young princess, Rubiria was quietly sitting on a large and most luxurious chair. She had her neck tilted in response to the question of the Boy Knight standing by her side. With a small sigh, the Boy Knight spit out his doubts while applying pressure in the middle of his forehead with his finger.

「I do not think it is a good idea to show the capabilities of Master.」

「Ah. Don't mind, don't mind. It is only fitting to show Aporou's strength in this kind of event.」

The Boy Knight still wore a worried expression as Princess Rubiria took out a small red fruit from the basket at the side of a small table near her, wearing a bewitching smile that most certainly didn't suit her age. The red fruit, known as a Ruble, is a fruit that has a shape quite similar to that of a grape.

The Ruble is known for commonly being used to produce juice and wine. If it's fresh and you lightly wipe the surface with a cloth, then it is perfectly fine to eat one without any problems whatsoever as well. It's a very high quality fruit that has a unique sweet yet sour taste that fills the inside of your mouth with flavor.

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