Day 176

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A lot of our members ranked up because of the experience obtained from yesterday's battle, with species such as a Half Ice Lord, a Half Smith Lord, a Yafuru, and a Half Fish Demon appearing.

However, because there were so many new species this time, it would take too long to talk about each one individually. For that reason, I'll only talk about those who obtained a【Divine Protection】.

First up is Supesei, who ranked up from a【Half Spell Lord】to a【Spell Lord (Variant)】. She received the【Divine Protection】of the【God of Magic】and the【Demigod of Staves】. She now boasts attributes that couldn't be compared to a normal Spell Lord as well, which improved things such as her magic power, casting time and internal magic supply.

As a Lord, her physical abilities improved a little as well, which made her capable of being a mobile artillery instead of the powerful but stationary artillery that she was before. By the way, her physical appearance didn't change much.

Next is Burasato, who ranked up from a【Half Blood Lord】to a【Blood Lord (Variant)】. She received the【Divine Protection】of the【God of Blood】and the【Demigod of Swords】. These greatly improved her combat abilities that makes use of a sword, as well as the unique abilities that she possesses as a Blood Lord.

Although it feels like the【God of Blood's Divine Protection】causes a greater change in her character when she's in battle than before, she also appears to be more reliable. Unlike Supesei, her appearance was different. All of her muscles were more developed and her height had increased by around 10 centimeters. Overall, her physical capabilities as a Lord were far greater than when she was a Half Lord.

Moving on, Redhead obtained the【Demigod of War Beast's Divine Protection】, despite the fact that she didn't participate in the battle. Recently taking on a more wild style as a result of eating raw monsters is probably what caused this to happen. I do think it suits her though, since her personality resembles that of a wolf or dog.

Since her body had been strengthened and she had become more agile, she might be able to defeat Rusty Iron Knight now. Somehow, it was a little pitiful to think that way about the Rusty Iron Knight, who should be the teacher. Wait, since he has a lot of battle experience, he should be alright. Probably.

In addition to these, the following blessings were also obtained:

Seiji obtained the【Demigod of Compassion's Divine Protection】.

Dodome obtained the【Demigod of Observation's Divine Protection】.

Gurufu obtained the【God of Corrosion's Divine Protection】.

The Ogres in the 5 Ogre squadron each obtained the【Demigod of Color's Divine Protection】, which assigns each of them one of the following colors; 【Red】,【Blue】,【Yellow】,【Green】, and【Ash】. If they wear equipment that corresponds to their respective color, they will received a large power boost, as well as become able to use special abilities.

Among these, it was unexpected, but the【Divine Protection of a God】 that Gurufu possesses will most likely make her untouchable. Based on her usual activities, I'm sure that it suits her. I won't say that out loud, though.

Well, this will have to do for the time being. In any event, I'm satisfied because large-scale battles such as wars allow us to acquire a large amount of experience efficiently.

Since we were boarding the Skeleton Centipedes today, the Tomboy Princess had changed into clothing that's exclusively worn for war and was sitting on my shoulder. With that, we took command of 800 soldiers and headed for the castle that the Strong Grandson and his allies were staying at.

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