Day 171

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There were no strong winds outside, and as the moonless night spread out before us in silence, white snow fell and piled up. After the date had changed, although there were still several hours before the sun rose, we devoted approximately 2 hours to covert operations within the Royal Castle just like the previous day.

We did the same as last time, those who excelled at covert operations, such as the Ninja Kobolds and the goblins from my generation with small builds, slipped into the Royal Castle under cover of darkness. Their work was simple, with the aim of gradually reducing the Nobles Faction's private soldiers by having them disappear while they were patrolling.

Of course, I didn't do such troublesome and roundabout work. I was in the secret bunker mass-producing clones, which can be treated as expendable troops. Plus If I were to keep summoning Black Skeletons and Black Ogres, I might be able to easily crush the Strong Grandson to death with an overwhelming number of them.

Since I can supply myself with magic by using【Absorb Magic】to absorb it from the darkness, my internal magic supply is nearly endless, unless I act very rashly. In the first place, it's been proven that I'm able to prepare approximately 5,000 black skeletons using just my internal magic supply. I'm not worried about materials either since I can easily secure water for my clones.

I was cooperating with Kanami, who has the【Intermediate Summoning: Undead】ability, to summon several Black Skeleton Commanders. They're a higher ranking species of Black Skeleton, whose summoning restrictions are lifted by consuming one of its kind. If I were to do this alone, a moderate amount of time would be necessary, but it is feasible enough to prepare more than 10,000 soldiers through synthesis with her help.

The Skeleton Commanders that the Kanami summon are an uncertain factor since their attributes deteriorate across the board when compared with the black ones I have created. I also have to take into account that, since most of them are undead, even if I were to prepare 10,000 soldiers, most of them would quickly disappear once the sun starts to rise.

However, despite all of that, they still adequately satisfy the standards necessary for them to be treated as expendable troops. It's not required for us to pay too much attention to this weakness though considering it's still several hours before the sun rises. For that reason alone, it will be effortless to pulverize the opponent with this terrifying number of forces.

Since【Fire】,【Holy Light】, and【Blunt Force】from blunt weapons are all well-known weaknesses of monsters of the skeleton variety, they're likely to be dealt with immediately so only their numbers will be helpful.

Even if they were to adopt measures to oppose them, if 10,000 Black Skeleton ranked monsters were to launch a surprise attack from the inside, there isn't any fortress that would not fall. That's why, as the core of the enemy, the Strong Grandson and the Snake Grandfather, have gathered in one place, I have no doubt that this is the perfect opportunity to launch an attack on them.

Although most of the main force, such as Minokichi, Supesei, Asue and Gurufu aren't here, our army is still above the sufficient level. We can replenish them by mass-summoning more troops, as well.

That's why I chose a strategy that slowly erodes their forces from the inside since it's almost always a combination of good planning and managing to adapt to new situations that allows one to obtain victory. The main reason this method was selected is because it suited what my employer, the Tomboy Princess, wanted.

The pretext for this is――

『I want you to keep the damage to the castle to a minimum. Since it's a symbol of the Kingdom, I want you to do as much as you can to avoid defiling it with blood, as well as destroying it with your absurd power. When it comes to the Strong Grandson, it won't end with just a simple assassination, you know. You don't need to take them directly head-on, but it's necessary to make it known, both on the inside and the outside, that their troops suffered a crushing defeat.』

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