Day 162

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Hmph, we ended up being attacked by monsters at least 8 times throughout the night. Well, since I quickly eradicated them even though I was half asleep, the rest of the group along with the Tomboy Princess were able to get a good night's sleep.

We had some of the monsters that I killed throughout the night for breakfast before rapidly descending into the lower levels under my spartan drive. Thanks to this, we managed to reach the last level just before the break of noon.

The final level opened up into a dome-shaped room. The space was roughly 40 meters in diameter with slightly uneven floors and huge stalactites that hung from the ceiling like icicles. From the looks of things, the battle would probably take place in the center of the room where a circle of stones was formed. These stones were apparently called brimstones, stones that looked like the ridges of terraced rice fields. The relatively level floor of the room seemed like, it would be easy to fight in.

There was a shining water plant growing naturally within the clear blue brimstone pool as a mysterious light was pouring out from its roots underwater. The light that shone through produced a scene similar to that of stars floating in the night sky as the light reflected on the ceiling.

Despite it being the lowest level of the dungeon, where the boss monster appears, it surely was a mysterious place worthy of admiration.

The Tomboy Princess, Kanami and the others were quietly muttering their own thoughts as they carelessly gazed at the scene. Well, as for me, I think I'll come and see this dungeon again with Auro and Argento since we didn't go into the same dungeons this time.

However, just as everyone knew it would, the quiet moments of tranquility ended as the boss monster arrived onto the scene. Even if there is no helping it appearing, I think all of us honestly wanted to say, "Just wait a little longer!"

At any rate, the boss monster of the【Vesper Cave】is the【High Octorp】. It's a monster that is very similar to a chimera made out of aquatic creatures, giving it a very grotesque appearance. It's a humanoid that's roughly 4 meters tall with its entire body covered in a dark red shell made out of some material that is akin to chitin.

On its abdomen is a huge circular mouth with a shape similar to a large drum, in which were 3 rows of sharp fangs that moved subtly, as if searching for prey on their own. Its left forearm had greatly expanded, transforming the 4 strange claws on its hand in such a way they could be used as a shield, all the while its right hand was made of a huge claw similar to that of a Red King Crab.

The lower half of its body is shaped like an octopus and has roughly 10 wriggling jellyfish-like tentacles growing out of its back. The head was similar to a shark's in some respects, with 4 large eyes that were strangely similar to a deep-sea fish moving around wildly as they surveyed the surroundings.

It spoke the human language in a strange voice that you simply couldn't bear hearing, which was being emitted from the part of its body that was similar to a mouth. Aaaah... well despite its weird and highly unpleasant appearance, it certainly displays a considerable strength that you would come to expect from a boss monster.

Naturally, its legs and right claw have supernatural strength. The mouth-like part contains a red liquid with a powerful dissolving ability, as well as octopus ink, that it can release, which can cause several annoying negative effects that include【Blindness】,【Confusion】, and【Petrification】, among other effects. Beyond that, I'd have to say the tentacles are the most troublesome out of all of them though.

A powerful paralytic poison is secreted from the tentacles on its back. Most people are taken out immediately from just a single sting from its tentacles. After that, they are either quickly crushed by its 8 legs, or finely chopped up by its claw before they're eaten by the mouth on its abdomen. This is the standard pattern that it uses to kill adventurers.

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