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kasir omri solace

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kasir omri solace

i groaned as i heard my doorbell ring for the third time in the last 5 minutes.

i've been staying inside these past few days and working mostly, i finally dragged myself off the couch and went to the door.

"who is it?" i mumbled leaning my head against the door.


my eyes widened, i hadn't talked to neither one of them.

i slowly opened the door, he was wearing a suit and looked fine as-

"are you okay?" he asked and i finally looked up at his face.

"y-yeah...what made you come by?"

me him and karsyn shared locations.

"cause you hadn't been talking to us...go pack."

"huh?" i asked confused on the last part, he walked inside and closed the door behind him.

"pack a bag that'll last you a week...minimum, you're gonna stay wit us for a lil." he said and i pursed my lips together.

"what about work?"

"don't you work from home?" he asked making me nod.

"bring everything you'll need with you, i do have a office at home you can use if you want." he said and i chewed on my bottom lip.

he was currently staring into my soul and looked good as fuck.

"now can you tell me the truth?"

"what you mean?" i asked before yawning.

"i know it's sumn wrong wit you...we ain't known each other long but from you dropping all communication wit us the last few days...and you have a few tear stains on your face." he said and i suddenly felt embarrassed.

i didn't say anything before shrugging,"it's jus some personal shit..." i mumbled before leading him to my bedroom.

"you don't gotta tell me nun, but just let me and karsyn know you alive." he said and i nodded.

"what kinda clothes should i pack?" i asked.

"comfy, bathing suit, kinda formal nun too fancy, and shit to sleep in." he said and i went to my dresser.

"what karsyn doing?"

"at home waiting for us, soon as i got home he told me to get you." he said and i laughed a lil.

"i see who has control over who." i said as i started putting my clothes in a duffel bag.

"yeah okay." he said with a light chuckle.

i went to my bathroom and packed a few things i needed,"umm i think that's everything- i can carry it." i said as he grabbed my bag.

"i got it, come on." he said and i grabbed my phone following behind him.

❀ ❀ ❀

i was kinda familiar with their house so i was able to walk ahead as xayvion followed me, i walked into their bedroom and karsyn looked over towards the door before smiling.

"i thought you wasn't gonna come." karsyn said getting up then pulled me into a hug.

a hug i honestly needed.

i hugged him back burying my face into his black t-shirt, i felt my eyes water and i swallowed the lump in my throat.

when he tried to pull away i held on tighter, i didn't wanna talk or anything i just wanted to be in his embrace for a lil longer.

i could hear xayvion moving around the room, karsyn lifted me up and i held onto him as he laid on their bed.

"do you need anything?" xayvion asked and i shook my head no.

then my stomach started growling...snitch-

"when the last time you ate?" karsyn asked and i stayed quiet.

i wasn't saying 2 days ago outloud.

"kasir." xayvion said and i whined in response.

"i just wanna go to sleep."

"you can...after you eat sumn get up." karsyn said and i sat up wiping my eyes.

"fix yo face." xayvion said as i mugged both of them.

karsyn got up and xayvion was staring at me waiting for me to get up,"up?" i mumbled holding my arms up.

he lightly laughed then picked me up, i wrapped my arms around his neck as he walked to the kitchen.

shittt if they gonna keep spoiling me like this-

"you want some wings?" karsyn asked as he held a plate that had buffalo wings and fries on it.

i nodded my head as i got down and grabbed it from him, i sat down at the kitchen island and started eating.

i didn't realize how hungry i was until the first bite, xayvion placed water beside me as i ate.

"what you wanna do when you're finished?" xayvion asked and i noticed it was getting dark outside.

i finished chewing before speaking,"umm...it might sound stupid but can we like...stargaze." i spoke lowly.

"that's not stupid love, we can if that's what you want..." karsyn spoke and i nodded.

i finished eating then got down from my seat, i yawned as i walked to the sink to wash my hands.

i felt arms around my waist and i slight jumped,"my bad." karsyn said loosening his already loose grip.

"you're good..i've missed y'all." i said quietly and turned around in his arms.

"we've missed you too." he said smiling then grabbed my hand to pull me outside.

i noticed they had a trampoline and xayvion had placed blankets and pillows on it.

i smiled lightly as we walked towards it,"go ahead." xayvion said holding the net up for me.

i got on it with the help of karsyn and laid in the middle of the trampoline, them both getting on either side of me.

at first it was a few moments of silence as i stared at the sky, i don't know why but i always found the night sky beautiful.

it was barely any clouds so you could see almost every star out,"what you've been doing these past few days?" karsyn asked.

working and crying-

"at home working..y'all?"

"i've been working or at home." xayvion said.

"at home or shopping." karsyn said and i glanced at him.

"you don't work?" and he shook his head.

"nah...i did but then there wasn't a need to anymore." he said.

"must be nice- why you don't work? if you don't mind me askin." i said.

he pointed at xayvion,"sooo you get to be a stay at home boyfriend- lord i see what you've done for others." i said making them laugh.

i sighed as i felt myself being relaxed with them....lowkey at peace also. my mind wasn't racing as much wit them.

i felt i could trust them...but i'll truly know in due time.

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