Treachery ♣️

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I honestly contemplated about the whole thing. Whether I should confide this matter straight to his majesty or not. Jade Kim is a pain in the ass. I knew from the start that she was trouble... From the way she treated the princess, I knew she was planning something behind our backs. I still can't get over the part where she boldly threatened to kill the princess by pushing her down the stairs. That is high treason, did she even know that? It may sound like a sick joke, but it was obviously something that she is capable of doing. Such a bitchy thing to say. At the end of the day I decided that I should tell everything to the prince. Being the princess' advisor, I guess it is my responsibility to let him know about this matter, immediately. I'm worried about Princess Charlie's safety. But it wouldn't hurt to confide this matter to the advisors as well. I know Charlie is untouchable but it's better to be safe than to be sorry.

I sent a personal email to the prince and told him that there's something that we should discuss about. I didn't get a response right away, but when I did, it was an email from the advisor, advisor Kim himself. Of course how can I forget? As part of the royal protocol you are not allowed to send direct messages to the Royals instead the advisors will deal with you. I am an advisor myself and how can I forget about this? silly me. Advisor Kim frankly asked me through an email about it;

"What is this about, Kashvi?"

" Something urgent advisor Kim, maybe I should confide this matter to you as well."

"Something urgent? Well I am free now maybe you can visit me in my office."

"I'll be right there in a few minutes. You see, this is about the new stylist. I think it's a bad idea that we still keep her here."

"Jade Kim? Did she do something chaotic again? Is this about the princess hating her style? And you find this something urgent??"

" Believe It or Not, it is way worse than that. You have no idea."

"Okay this is silly. Let's stop discussing this matter through emails. Proceed to my office now so we can talk about this."

Of course. I'm on my way. 




"This is not good. This is definitely high treason. It doesn't matter if it was a joke or not but threatening a Royal to his or her death is definitely fatal. She can get behind bars because of this... worse, an execution."

"It's simply an Evidence against her. Maybe this way we have a firm reason to demote her. I don't think the Royal Elders would be happy when they listen to this."

Advisor Kim and I listened to the phone recording I had earlier regarding a conversation between jade Kim and her so-called friend. All the nasty and snarky stuff that she told about Princess Charlie. Advisor Min joined us through a video call and also listened to the recording; according to him it wasn't just death threat but also slanderous and malicious comments against the princess. That the recording contained a perfect recipe for high treason.

I look at the advisors and asked them;

"Shouldn't we be telling the Prince about this right away? I know Jade Kim can't seriously do anything to princess Charlie but who knows? I don't trust a woman she's literally a bitch and princess Charlie as we all know, can be too nice sometimes that even though the person truly annoys her; given her condition, 'possibly' she would just stay silent and allow that person to bully her. Also, she's pregnant and stress is the last thing we want for her to experience. We're trying our best to keep her in a safe bubble. According to my intuition, and you both know that I have a very strong intuition, this matter should be resolved immediately. So if you're not going to confide this matter to the prince I will go to him by myself. I will not tolerate this and will not allow another day to pass with that snarky little bitch surrounding my princess. Now tell me, is the prince free, early tonight?" 

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