♦️ The alarming silence

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"Thanks for accompanying me, Hoseok. I truly needed someone to back me up. That was the longest three-hour conversation I've ever had in my life. Emperor Shintaro is so akin to the Korean prince. If Taehyung will pull his shit together and grow a little mature, he'll likely project his uncle's image. I wonder... what if he were raised as a Nihon royal and not a Hanguk? I suppose he's a far cry from this headache we're taking care of..."

Hoseok's brows creased, obviously against of how I just shaded Taehyung.

"HEY...he is 'maturing' and getting into his senses. I mean I think lately, he's been making the right decisions. He's beginning to get used with his crown's weight. I mean give the guy some credit for defending your titles. I care about him and I want him to rule South. I think he's gonna be great in time. Taehyung, like Avalanche is undeniably smart... it's just that he was raised in the wrong environment. He was spoiled, sure- as well as the Russian prince. But one thing Avalanche is ahead of is that he knew exactly what he wanted as a Royal and as a person. Taehyung on the other hand is just too lazy to discover his purpose as a monarch. He was raised in a limbo. He didn't have the privilege of making decisions unlike the defiant one."

I chuckled.

He's not wrong about that.

Spoon-fed royals are the weakest in the circle or  'crowned losers' as how Avalanche would address them. One reason why he always provoke and dares Taehyung to go against the tide  is for him not to end as one of the crowned losers. Taehyung still has a lot to learn but he's very smart too so hopefully he can catch up as quickly as possible.

"So, what did the Nihon emperor say? Was he-"

"He was furious. VERY FURIOUS. You know what? I think our emperor needs to re think this decision. He is going to cause chaos and will lose a lot of allies. You'll never guess how cruel the conditions given by the Japanese royals once this materializes. Charlie's position is at stake and... it's going to be ugly for our country."

Hoseok's mouth was gaping at the information I was spilling.

"W-why is Charlie even involve?? I mean...if I'm thinking what you're trying to imply, I say they cannot do something about the princess' connection to the prince... they are going to cause a war!"

"YES, possibly. But not against the Japanese. But us. Austria, will take his and all his allies' canyons towards  our small country until it becomes nonexistent."

"Y-yah! But why us??! I mean...shouldn't they be coming after the Japanese as they're taking away South Korea's sole inheritor of the Hanguk throne leaving the Austrian princess behind?? So why is this our-"

"Then why did that even happened in the first place? Magic? Whose fault was it if ever?"

"Okay... but don't they want Charlie?🥺 do they even know how adorable is she? Why is she even... I mean isn't the emperor a little too much on this? Isn't this discrimination or something?!"

At that part, I smiled.

"Don't underestimate the Nihon emperor, Hoseok. He knows exactly what he's doing."

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