Silent truce ♣

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The doors to the palace were in their welcoming gape. The view to the imperial Nihon entourage was clear to everyone. The fancy cars and the line of guards. As how the Japanese are known for, like the Russians, they exuded a striking elegance yet a bit of discreet compared to the ultra dashing Romanovs.

I thought I heard several men, including the Russian crown prince himself utter a word of disbelief but followed by a grateful side comment. Why not? Japan, with all seriousness is the least expected country to show up. The Russians for sure made an exemption for them yet here they are showing up. Majority of people here probably had the same thought. The new and very young Japanese emperor only complied because he didn't want his country to be detached from Russia yet...

Prince Taehyung and I knew that he had a different reason. I just hope he won't cause chaos at this time. Not in this moment where things are a little tough. I saw the shock on the crown princess' face...and the discomfort.  The crown prince on the other side was nothing but composed. Even the royal elders had a welcoming smile on their faces.

"A-announcing the arrival of Emperor Shintaro of Japan."

The hidden prince.

What kind of  intrigued the part whether he'll show his face or remain hiding it. 🤔

Everyone was waiting...

Until the door of his fancy Royce opened. Surrounded by elegant uniformed guards, we sighted a pair of long legs concealed of dark blue trousers and...

He stepped out of the car. Everyone was in awe. The silence was quite deafening. His tall frame and elegant strides amused people...wearing a designer hat this time and not a thin veil, head down, his face still a bit concealed however his side features, despite minimaly unveiled, only confirmed that prince Shintaro is damn captivating as well. The moment he stepped inside the palace, he bowed. Everyone was breathless...waiting for his next step.

"It's such an honor to be accepted in this palace. I humbly present the Nihon royal crest as a symbol of my and the country's open support for the younger prince and the future Emperor of Korea."

Then he removed his hat.

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